The Hon Larry Anthony MP

National agenda for early childhood

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

The Federal Government’s commitment to children and their early development has been confirmed with the first step being taken towards a National Agenda for Early…

National Youth Roundtable 2002

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

The 50 members of the fourth National Youth Roundtable have been a direct and valuable link between young Australians and the Government Minister for Children…

Good report card from ANAO for Child Support Agency

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) report tabled in Parliament today acknowledges efforts by the Child Support Agency to improve business operations and client service…

Youth Roundtable to resume this week

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today said he was looking forward to meeting again with 2002 National Youth Roundtable members when they…

Invest in children to value the future

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, called on the community to ‘value the future’ by investing in the early years of a child’s…

New Peak Body on Child Care

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today officially announced the formation of the Child Care Reference Group to facilitate consultation between Government and…

Twelve young Aussies chosen for a trip of a lifetime

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today announced the twelve young Australians selected to participate in the 15th Ship for World Youth Program.…

Celebrating Coffs harbour Dads

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Federal Children’s Minister Larry Anthony was in Coffs Harbour today to launch a series of ten posters by UnitingCare Burnside promoting the role of fatherhood…

2002 Youth Media Awards

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

The best examples of journalism promoting young people were recognised last night by Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, at an awards ceremony…

Think Before You Drink

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today welcomed the Salvation Army’s Alcohol Awareness Survey highlighting the problems of binge drinking. “Young people should…

Child protection is everyone’s responsibility

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

 The Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia’s policy paper, Time to Invest, makes a valuable contribution in highlighting the complex issues around child abuse…

National Child Protection Week

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony today joined with the National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) to officially…

New publications to help separated parents

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Title: Article Date: 30/08/2002 Page Content 1: Separation is a tough time for parents but they need to ensure that their children’s interests are put…

No cuts to family payments

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Larry Anthony today said the debate he had initiated about early childhood intervention should be about what can be…

No compromise on child care quality

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony will meet today with Australia’s child care quality watchdog, the National Childcare Accreditation Council, to discuss the…

Child Care Benefit made easy

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

A new brochure to help families with their child care options was launched today at SDN Children’s Services, Woolloomooloo by the Minister for Children and…

Father’s Day takes a dive

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

For some dads, spending quality time with their children might be as scary as swimming with sharks Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony…

Take dad for a ride this Father’s Day

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Dads can accompany their children for free on the rides at Luna Park this Father’s Day Minister for Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry…

Every Child is Important

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

What sort of society are we that tolerates more than 115,000 reported cases of child abuse in Australia last year Minister for Children and Youth…

Melbourne Youth get Reconnected

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today officially launched the Melbourne Gateway Reconnect Program for the benefit of young people at risk of…

Simple Service Solutions for Young Australians

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

A new Coalition Government initiative to better link youth services was launched today, on International Youth Day, by Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry…

Fathers go free this Father’s Day

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Dads will receive free or discounted entry to participating zoos and wildlife parks when they take their children on Father’s Day, Minister for Children and…

Work and family debate – where is the child?

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today expressed his concern that what is best for the child is rarely mentioned when discussing work…

Record number of Youth Media Award Entries

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

 The National Youth Media Awards 2002 has received a record 1,159 nominations Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, said today. “The awards recognise…