Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Transcripts by The Hon Christian Porter

Productivity Report Review of NDIS Costs

E&OE Subjects: Productivity Report Review of NDIS Costs ANDREW PROBYN: Minister, let’s look at the ambition of the NDIS. It’s meant to have 475,000 people…

No Jab No Pay

E&OE Subjects: No Jab, No Pay PRESENTER: Thousands more parents across Australia will be denied Centrelink payments if they refuse to immunise their children. Minister…

No Jab, No Pay; Energy policy

E&OE Subjects: No Jab, No Pay; Energy policy KIERAN GILBERT: First though, the Government ramping up its No Jab, No Pay policy, with new laws…


E&OE PRESENTER: Now, the No Jab, No Pay immunisation policy is being altered, with new legislation being introduced today. MICHAEL ROWLAND: Yes, under the changes,…

No Jab, No Pay, Medicare Doctors’ visits

E&OE DAVID KOCH: The Turnbull Government is taking stronger action to encourage parents to vaccinate their children. Welfare payments will now be cut by $28…

ABC News Breakfast

E&OE Subjects: Drug Testing; Citizenship; Australia Day MICHAEL ROWLAND: Now, as we’ve been reporting this morning, the Federal Government is today announcing the trial sites…


E&OE Subjects: Drug Testing NATALIE BARR: The Federal Government will target Western Sydney with its plan to drug test new job seekers. The random drug…

Sky News – AM Agenda

E&OE Subjects: Drug Testing KIERAN GILBERT: Welfare recipients in Sydney’s southwest could be randomly tested for drugs from the start of next year; the Turnbull…

ABC – 7.30

E&OE Subjects: Drug Testing LEIGH SALES: The first of three locations for a controversial trial to drug test welfare recipients was announced today in Western…


E&OE Subjects: Drug Testing; Citizenship. SABRA LANE: The Canterbury Bankstown area, in south-western Sydney, has been chosen as the first location for the Federal Government’s…

2GB – The Alan Jones Breakfast Show

E&OE Subjects: Drug Testing Trial ALAN JONES: Well, Christian Porter is a West Australian Cabinet Minister and he’s the Social Services Minister. Today, he’ll go…

The Today Show

E&OE Subjects: North Korea; Drug Testing KARL STEFANOVIC: Let’s get a reaction to that now. Government Minister, Christian Porter, joins us. Good morning to you,…

2GB – The Ray Hadley Morning Show

E&OE Subjects: Citizenship; NDIS; Cashless Welfare Card RAY HADLEY: Well, it’s a bit of a mine field – the National Insurance Disability Scheme – and…

Radio interview, ABC AM

E&OE SABRA LANE: The Government will introduce a suite of bills into parliament today, reflecting a number of major welfare changes announced in the May…

6PR – mornings with Gareth Parker

E&OE GARETH PARKER: Christian Porter, the federal Social Services Minister is my guest – we’re talking the NDIS. Christian, good morning to you. MINISTER PORTER:…

Mornings with Ray Hadley – 2GB

E&OE RAY HADLEY: Minister, good morning. MINISTER PORTER: G’day Ray, how are you? RAY HADLEY: Not bad. Look, we’ve got all these problems – you’ve…

Radio interview, 6PR

E&OE Subjects: NDIS/Budget GARETH PARKER: Good morning to you Christian. MINISTER PORTER: Morning Gareth. GARETH PARKER: I just want to play you a bit of…

Radio interview, NDIS

E&OE RAY HADLEY: I spoke in great detail yesterday about the potential for the NDIS to be exploited. Now, the $22 billion National Insurance Disability…

Doorstop interview, NDIS

E&OE MINISTER PORTER: Thanks everyone for being here this morning. I just wanted to make a few comments about the National Disability Insurance Scheme. We…