Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Media Releases by The Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Coalition Committed to Reducing Homelessness

Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews has today launched 2014 Homeless Persons Week and reinforced the Coalition’s commitment to help those without safe and secure…

Welfare Review Public Submissions Closing Soon

Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews is encouraging people to have their say on the recently released interim report proposing improvements to Australia’s welfare system.…

Labor to deny thousands cheaper medicine

Thousands of self-funded retirees will miss out on cheaper prescription drugs and other health benefits if Labor blocks moves to index income limits for the…

National support for homelessness agreement

All Australian states and territories have now signed the new National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) ensuring homelessness programmes across Australia will continue for another…

National homelessness agreement on track

Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews has announced that only South Australia and Tasmania are yet to sign the 2014-15 National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness…

Welfare spending data now online

Federal Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews has announced that from today, more comprehensive and easier to use income support data will be available online.…

Stronger Relationships Trial Begins

Committed couples can now register online for a $200 subsidy towards the cost of relationship education and counselling services, under the Australian Government’s Stronger Relationships…

Committee Confirms Labor Pork Barrelling

Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews says more evidence has emerged showing Labor’s failed $100 million Building Better Regional Communities program (BBRC) was nothing more…

Hypocritical Macklin Doesn’t Get It

Labor has shown once again that it is incapable of understanding the Coalition’s budget measures by continuing its campaign of scaremongering and lies to Australian…