Media Releases by The Hon Bill Shorten MP
Shut Out: The experience of people with disabilities and their families in Australia
The Australian Government today welcomed the release of the National People with Disabilities and Carer Council’s report examining the barriers faced by people with disability.…
$4 million for new autism care centre in Brisbane
A new, autism-specific early learning and care centre will give young Brisbane children with Autism Spectrum Disorders access to specialist early childhood services vital for…
More support for People with Disability to attend conferences
People with disability, their families and carers will be supported to attend a wide variety of conferences with 33 conference organisers receiving a share of…
Further Measures to Improve Disability Rights
Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, today welcomed the passage of the Disability Discrimination and Other Human Rights Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 through Parliament. The Bill will improve…
Extra Support for our Special Olympians
Sports Minister Kate Ellis today announced $55,000 in funding for Special Olympics Australia to help our Special Olympians prepare for the 2011 International Games in…
Mobile communications made more accessible
The Rudd Government today welcomed industry efforts to improve the accessibility of mobile communications services for the aged and people with disabilities. “Helping people to…
Therese Rein and Kurt Fearnley – champions for people with disability
Therese Rein will be the official Patron of International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) and the National Disability Awards in 2009. Paralympian, Kurt Fearnley…
Bushfire memorials for mark Victoria’s blackest day
Nineteen Victorian councils will share in $2.5 million to create memorials to mark February’s devastating bushfires, Premier John Brumby announced today. “This funding will provide…
New funding for 13 disability advocacy providers
Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities Bill Shorten, today announced increased funding for 13 disability advocacy providers as part of the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP). The…
Nominations wanted for Australian Disability Enterprises Excellence Awards
Australians are urged to nominate Australian Disability Enterprises who are making extraordinary efforts to provide work and support for people with disability for this year’s…
Government calls for submissions on Disability Parking Scheme
The Australian Government today launched a discussion paper and national public consultations about the new Australian Disability Parking Scheme. Today’s announcement follows a $3 million…
Additional support for Victoria’s bushfire affected communities
The Australian Government will provide a further $1.5 million to support communities affected by the Victorian bushfires. Community Services Minister Jenny Macklin said the funding…
Government seeks feedback on Print Disability Services
The Australian Government is seeking feedback on the provision of information in alternative formats for people with print disability as part of its review of…
Winter Warming Grant for Bushfire Survivors
Thousands of bushfire survivors will receive a one-off $2000 cash payment from the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund as part of a $9 million new winter…
Extra support for people with disability and their carers
The Rudd Government is strengthening its commitment to people with disability and carers by providing extra support through a range of initiatives in the 2009-10…
Supporting Australians affected by disaster
The 2009-10 Budget details the level of financial support provided to Australians affected by the devastating Victorian bushfires, the North Queensland floods, the South East…
Secure and Sustainable Pension Reform: Increased payments and better assessment for disability pensioners
Around 720,000 Australians receiving the Disability Support Pension will receive pension increases as part of the Government’s Secure and Sustainable Pensions Reforms. Many disability support…
$2.9 Million towards Healesville Arts and Community Precinct – Stage Two
Anthony Albanese, Minister for Infrastructure and Local Government, and Bill Shorten, Parliamentary Secretary for Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction, today announced the Rudd Government would offer $2.9…
$5 Million to Help Redevelop Horsham Town Hall
Anthony Albanese, Minister for Infrastructure, and Bill Shorten, , today announced the Rudd Government would offer $5 million for the redevelopment of the Horsham Town…
Australian Government extends support for Victorians affected by bushfires
Employees, farmers and small business operators affected by the Victorian bushfires will continue to receive financial support from the Australian Government’s Income Recovery Subsidy, which…
One-Off $5000 Grant To Small Businesses And Farmers
More Victorian farmers and small businesses impacted by the 2009 Victorian bushfires will be eligible for up-front $5000 bushfire recovery grants following a decision by…
New website to support employment for people with a disability
A new Australian Disability Enterprises website will help boost employment opportunities for people with disability by linking disability enterprises with businesses wanting to purchase their…
Applications open for five disability advocacy regions
Disability Advocacy organisations in five Australian regions will be funded to better represent the rights of Australians with disability. , Bill Shorten, today encouraged service…
Applications open for National Disability Conference Funding
$320,000 will improve conference access for people with disability, through the Australian Government’s National Disability Conference Funding program. The , Bill Shorten, said funding will…
Nominate someone remarkable for the 2009 National Disability Awards
Nominations are now open for the 2009 National Disability Awards. , Jenny Macklin and Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children’s Services, Bill Shorten, have announced the…