ABC News Chris Uhlmann

Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

CHRIS UHLMANN: Scott Morrison welcome. MINISTER MORRISON: Thanks Chris good to be here. UHLMANN: Now taxpayers are funding around about 240 million welfare payments a…

Sky News PM Agenda with David Speers

Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

DAVID SPEERS: Scott Morrison is the Social Services Minister. I spoke to him earlier. MINISTER MORRISON: Well it is still increasing but in some areas…

Sky News AM Agenda with Kieran Gilbert

Transcript by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

E & OE GILBERT: Welcome to AM Agenda, joining me this morning is Assistant Social Services Minister Mitch Fifield and the Assistant Shadow Treasurer Andrew…

Annual ICPA Ramadan Dinner, Al Amanah College, Liverpool

Speech by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

E&OE Salam alaikum. Can I start by acknowledging your Excellency General the Hon David Hurley, my many Federal and State Parliamentary Colleagues, Dr Ghayath Al-Shelh,…

Improving care for hospital patients with dementia

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

The Australian Government is investing $2.3 million to trial nationally a Victorian-based programme that improves the care of people with dementia in hospital. The Minister…

$40 million to support changes to aged care

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

The Australian Government is providing $40 million to support aged care providers transition to the new Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and the consumer directed…

Experts to inform national carer gateway

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

The Australian Government today announced the members of a new Carer Gateway Advisory Group to lead an initiative to better support Australia’s 2.7 million unpaid…

Doorstop interview, Canberra

Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

E&OE QUESTION: Minister you have secured support from the Greens to pass pension changes through the Parliament. When do you expect that legislation to go…

2GB Ray Hadley

Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

E&OE RAY HADLEY: Minister good morning. MINISTER MORRISON: G’day Ray. HADLEY: Gee a lot has happened since we last spoke; you made the deal with…

3AW Neil Mitchell

Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

E&OE NEIL MITCHELL: Minister good morning. MINISTER MORRISON: Good morning Neil, it is great to be here in Melbourne again. MITCHELL: The superannuation fees we…

2GB Ben Fordham

Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

E&OE BEN FORDHAM: Scott Morrison, good afternoon to you Sir. MINISTER MORRISON: G’day Ben, great to be on ‘shake it off Friday’ again. FORDHAM: A…

Advocacy review to empower people with disability

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

The Australian Government today encouraged people with disability, their family, friends and advocates to participate in a review of the National Disability Advocacy Framework. The…


Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

E&OE We’re joined by Social Services Minister Scott Morrison in Canberra. Scott Morrison thanks very much for joining us. Minister, how do you console more…

Today Show

Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

E&OE LISA WILKINSON: Fresh from those negotiations is Scott Morrison, who joins us now. Good morning to you. MINISTER MORRISON: Good morning, Lisa. WILKINSON: Minister,…

ABC News Breakfast

Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

E&OE MICHAEL ROWLAND: Minister, good morning. MINISTER MORRISON: Good morning Michael. ROWLAND: Why did you strike this deal with the Greens and what’s in it…

Sky News AM Agenda

Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

E&OE KIERAN GILBERT: Minister Morrison thanks very much for your time. Were you surprised by how little you had to give the Greens to get…

ABC 7.30

Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

E&OE LEIGH SALES: With me now live from Canberra is the Social Services Minister, Scott Morrison. Thank you for your time. MINISTER MORRISON: Good to…

Sky News

Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

E&OE DAVID SPEERS: Minister, thank you for your time tonight. Tell me what is the nature of this deal that you have done with the…

Common sense prevails with passage of BSWAT payment scheme

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

Tonight common sense prevailed, with the successful passage of the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT) payment scheme Bills through the Senate. The Coalition Government…