Getting ready for school? Its child’s play!

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

 The Howard Government will deliver $3 million in funding to projects in Lismore and surrounding areas under the $142 million Communities for Childreninitiative. The Minister…

Queensland community business partnerships awarded

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

Four Queensland community business partnerships have been rewarded in the prestigious 2005 Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Community Business Partnerships.The Minister for Family and…

Victorian community business partnerships awarded

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

Six Victorian community business partnerships were rewarded in the prestigious 2005 Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Community Business Partnerships. The Minister for Family and…

Australians urged to give from the workplace

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

A collaborative initiative to help build Australia’s already vibrant culture of giving, Workplace Giving Australia, was launched at an event in Melbourne today. An initiative…

Sydney to host 2008 Catholic World Youth Day

Media Release by The Hon Sussan Ley MP

The Parliamentary Secretary for Children and Youth Affairs, the Hon Sussan Ley, today joined Prime Minister John Howard in welcoming the announcement by Pope Benedict…

Fostering a successful transition from care

Media Release by The Hon Sussan Ley MP

The level of support provided to children and young people in out of home care and their transition to independent living will be examined at…

$20 million for local answers to local problems

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

 Up to $20 million in funding is now available from the Howard Government for communities across Australia as part of round three of the highly…

Help for young carers a keystroke away

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

Young people caring for a relative who has an illness or disability will now have access to a range of information products, including an interactive…

Howard Government delivering a better community for all

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

 The health and wellbeing of young children and families in nine communities across Australia will be enhanced under the Howard Government’s $142 million Communities for…

NSW Government fails its residents

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

The NSW Government has proved its disdain for its residents refusing to sign up to several agreements with the Howard Government. I call on the…

Youth: Plibersek misses the point yet again

Media Release by The Hon Sussan Ley MP

The Australian Government’s longstanding support for the Young Australian of the Year Awards is a recognition and celebration of the many young Australians who make…

Vivian Solon

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

Minister for Immigration, Amanda Vanstone and Minister for Family and Community Services, Kay Patterson, today rejected claims by lawyers for Vivian Solon.The Ministers said Mr…

$12 million boost for mentoring services Australia-wide

Media Release by The Hon Sussan Ley MP

Twelve organisations have been successful in securing a share in $12 million over the next four years under the Howard Government’s Mentor Marketplace programme. The…

$35 million windfall for parent carers in Victoria

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

Older parents who care for their sons and daughters with a disability will be better supported following the signing of the $35 million Commonwealth State…

Australian Government push for action on affordable housing

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

Following the historic Joint Meeting of Housing, Local Government and Planning Ministerial Councils in Melbourne today, Ministers agreed to support the Framework for National Action…

Support for young people in Wadeye

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

The Wadeye region’s new Intensive Support Playgroup will now be mobilised thanks to $130,000 Howard Government funding for a four-wheel drive and trailer. The Minister…

$9.5 million to Help Ease Wadeye Housing Crisis

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

The Howard Government has moved to ease the overcrowding of houses in the Wadeye community by approving the construction of up to 25 new homes,…

National recognition for foster carers

Media Release by The Hon Sussan Ley MP

Foster carers who have cared for foster children for 20 years or more have been nationally recognised at an awards ceremony, today in Alice Springs…

National Launch of MoneyBusiness in Katherine

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

A major initiative designed to improve financial understanding for Indigenous people in six locations in the Northern Territory and Western Australia, MoneyBusiness, was launched today…

Palmerston and Tiwi Communities for Children

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

Children and their families in Palmerston and the Tiwi Islands will have better access to support and services thanks to the Howard Government’s $3 million…

Supporting the Children in Darwin

Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

A Howard Government grant of $75,300 will continue to help build family and community capacity and early learning opportunities for children in a number of…