Media Release by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

NSW Government fails its residents

The NSW Government has proved its disdain for its residents refusing to sign up to several agreements with the Howard Government.

I call on the new Premier of NSW, Mr Iemma to put aside the petty politics and game playing of the Carr years and reverse the neglect that the people of NSW have suffered under the Labor Government.

The Australian Government recognises that there are some areas where services can be delivered in a better and more efficient manner if we work with the State and Territory Governments.

While I am pleased to report the signing of several new agreements and good co-operation in a number of areas, I am appalled at the NSW Government’s reluctance to co-operate with the Australian Government to improve services for the people of NSW.

NSW has so far refused to sign up to:

  • A new Supported Accommodation Assistance Program agreement to provide crisis accommodation and support to help homeless people.
  • The Australian Early Development Index that will help communities understand the health, development and wellbeing of their children and identify areas where children are excelling or need additional support.
  • An initiative to provide respite for older carers that will allow aged parents caring for a son or daughter with a disability to access up to 4 weeks respite care a year.
  • Regulations for Outside School Hours Care Services to ensure parents have peace of mind that their children are attending safe, high quality child care services.

These few examples show that NSW has an unenviable record when it comes to their unwillingness or inability to work with the Howard Government.

Mr Iemma should put politics aside and adopt these important social policy initiatives.