New Research Sheds Light on Housing Stress

Media Release by The Hon Brendan O’Connor MP

Three research papers presented at an Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) seminar in Melbourne this week have provided important insights into the challenges…

Families can’t trust Tony Abbott

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Just a day after he voted to try to stop Australian families receiving the Gillard Government’s Schoolkids bonus, Tony Abbott has confirmed families are at…

More support for people with disability to work

Media Release by Senator the Hon Jan McLucas

Australians with disability will receive greater support to help them into work where possible, as a result of legislation passed by the Parliament today. The…

Why won’t Tony Abbott commit to helping families?

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Australian families are at risk of having thousands of dollars a year ripped away under an Abbott Liberal Government, after Tony Abbott threatened to roll…

More support for people with disability to work

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Australians with disability will receive greater support to help them into work where possible, as a result of legislation passed by the Parliament today. The…

Supporting Australian Disability Enterprises

Media Release by Senator the Hon Jan McLucas

The Gillard Government will inject $59.6 million over four years into Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) in 2012–13, supporting more than 20,000 workers with disability across…

Schoolkids Bonus

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

A new cash payment will help 1.3 million Australian families with children at school to help make ends meet. Each year, families will receive a…

Tightening income support rules for Australians overseas

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The Australian Government is tightening the rules for people who travel overseas while receiving income support payments and family assistance. Under the change, the amount…

Supporting Australian Disability Enterprises

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The Gillard Government will inject $59.6 million over four years into Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) in 2012-13, supporting more than 20,000 workers with disability across…

Hockey confirms Liberals want to hurt families

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Tony Abbott’s Liberals have revealed their true colours tonight, with Joe Hockey confirming the Opposition will vote to try and block the Gillard Government’s new…

Investing to close the gap on Indigenous disadvantage

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The Australian Government is continuing to invest to close the gap on Indigenous disadvantage, with more than $5.2 billion in funding for employment, education, health…

Getting Australians job ready and into work

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The Gillard Government is committed to supporting jobs and the 2012-13 Budget will continue to build on our investments in skills, training and assistance. Last…

Schoolkids Bonus, Budget, suicide prevention.

Transcript by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

MICHAEL ROWLAND: (inaudible) scrap the Education Tax Refund and replace it with the direct tax payment for parents? JENNY MACKLIN: We had around a million…