Grants ballot for new affordable homes in Bendigo

Media Release by The Hon Brendan O’Connor MP

From tomorrow, 28 families participating in a ballot for grants worth more than $38,000 will choose their block of land in Viewpoint Huntly, thanks to…

Roundtable focus on young people and families

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The needs of children and young people with disability were the focus of the third meeting of the Australian Government’s Children and Family Roundtable in…

Saver Plus helping thousands of Australian families

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

A new report released today has found that the Gillard Government funded Saver Plus initiative is helping thousands of Australian families improve their financial literacy…

Fund helps Australians get ready for an NDIS

Media Release by Senator the Hon Jan McLucas

The Australian Government today announced the 73 successful projects that will share funding from the $10 million Practical Design Fund to help prepare for the…

Celebrating International Day of People with Disability

Media Release by Senator the Hon Jan McLucas

The Minister for Disability Reform, Jenny Macklin, the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Jan McLucas and Parliamentary Secretary for School Education, Jacinta Collins, today…

Celebrating International Day of People with Disability

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The Minister for Disability Reform, Jenny Macklin, the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Jan McLucas and Parliamentary Secretary for School Education, Jacinta Collins, today…

Fund helps Australians get ready for an NDIS

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The Australian Government today announced the 73 successful projects that will share funding from the $10 million Practical Design Fund to help prepare for the…

New equal pay era begins for community sector workers

Media Release by The Hon Julie Collins MP

Around 150,000 social and community sector workers across Australia are set to benefit from historic equal pay rises that take effect from today (December 1).…

Disability Champions Celebrated in National Awards

Media Release by Senator the Hon Jan McLucas

Thirteen outstanding individuals and organisations were tonight honoured for their work to improve the lives of people with disability at the annual National Disability Awards.…

National Disability Insurance Scheme

Transcript by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

MARIUS BENSON: Jenny Macklin can you clarify exactly what you’re bringing in in legislation today? This is a trial rather than the beginning of a…

Legislation for a National Disability Insurance Scheme

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The Australian Government today took another step towards giving people with disability the care and support they need over their lifetimes, with the introduction of…

Income Management in the Northern Territory

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The Australian Government today announced improvements to the delivery of income management in the Northern Territory, in response to findings from an interim evaluation report.…

Government clarifies native title tax treatment

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

New laws to clarify the income tax treatment of native title benefits were introduced into Parliament today. The Tax Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No. 6)…

Government welcomes social justice and native title reports

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Two reports highlighting the importance of Australia’s human rights and native title system for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been tabled in Parliament…

Problem gambling reforms

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The Gillard Government today welcomed the support of the Parliament for its National Gambling Reform Bills. The Government’s legislation sets out a package of reforms…

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Peoples Recognition Bill

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The Australian Government today took an important step towards recognising Indigenous people in Australia’s Constitution with the introduction of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander…

720 Public Consultation Contributions Received

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

More than 720 individuals and organisations have provided input to the Government to assist with the establishment of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses of…

Disability Champions Celebrated in National Awards

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Thirteen outstanding individuals and organisations were tonight honoured for their work to improve the lives of people with disability at the annual National Disability Awards.…