Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Government welcomes social justice and native title reports

Joint Media Release with:

  • The Hon Nicola Roxon MP
    Attorney General

Two reports highlighting the importance of Australia’s human rights and native title system for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been tabled in Parliament today.

The Social Justice Report 2012 and the Native Title Report 2012 were prepared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Mick Gooda.

The Attorney-General, Nicola Roxon and the Indigenous Affairs Minister, Jenny Macklin thanked Mr Gooda for the reports.

“Mr Gooda has shown an ongoing commitment to work with both Indigenous people and governments to develop practical solutions to important issues affecting Indigenous communities,” Ms Roxon said.

“The reports will help inform Government policy relating to native title, social justice and human rights for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.”

Ms Macklin commended the reports for their thorough examination of contemporary issues important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including the importance of good governance.

“The Commissioner discusses in both reports how strong governance can enhance the capacity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to realise their social, cultural and economic development aspirations,” Ms Macklin said.

“The Government supports effective governance and strong leadership in Indigenous communities, as an important part of closing the gap on Indigenous disadvantage.”