Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Transcripts by The Hon Kevin Andrews MP

ABC 936 Hobart with Ryk Goddard

E&OE…………………………………… RYK GODDARD: Last week we heard about a relationship between the Government that didn’t seem to be working to anyone’s benefit. This was Julia…

2GB with Ray Hadley

E&OE……………………… RAY HADLEY: Despite spending long periods overseas, lying about having cancer and faking his father’s death, 54 year old Ali Mahmood started receiving welfare…

ABC NewsRadio with Marius Benson

E&OE…………………………… SANDY ALOISI: Well the Prime Minister moved to hit the reset button for his government on Monday to set a new direction after what…

Sky Viewpoint with Chris Kenny

E&OE CHRIS KENNY: First up I want to talk about the fallout from the Victorian election and the ongoing problems that tough few weeks, well…

3AW DRIVE with Tom Elliott

E&OE TOM ELLIOTT: Earlier on in the program I mentioned the day that my daughter came home, almost five years ago from the hospital after…

The World Today – ABC

E&OE……………………………… NICK GRIMM: The Federal Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews says the Government will need to spend at least a billion dollars to rebuild…

ABC NewsRadio

E&OE SANDY ALOISI: (Inaudible) a review of pension recipients aged under 35 has found that 5000 people now receiving the DSP are able to work,…

ABC 774 Drive with Patricia Karvelas

E&OE PATRICIA KARVELAS: Now while the nation’s eyes are on the terror laws, the Abbott Government has listed two social security budget bills for debate…

5AA Mornings with Leon Byner

E&OE LEON BYNER: Well as you know the Federal Government put through a Federal Budget, most of which has gone through. But some of the…

Sky PM Agenda with David Speers

E&OE DAVID SPEERS: Minister thanks for your time. Firstly on the work for the dole changes the government is seeking, are you having much success…

ABC NewsRadio with Marius Benson

E&OE SANDY ALOISI: Federal Politicians are back in Canberra this week after the five week winter break with the Budget battle set to enter a…

Sky News

E&OE REPORTER: Tim good morning to you and good morning to Minister Kevin Andrews. MINISTER ANDREWS: Morning. REPORTER: First of all just explain to us…

2UE with Tim Webster

E&OE TIM WEBSTER: Well on Sky News this morning we watched them go and on what looked like a pretty chilly morning in Moree, this…

ABC Radio National

E&OE NATASHA MITCHELL: First up this morning, a Federal Minister with a lot on his plate right now. The Minister for Social Services, Kevin, Andrews,…

ABC NewsRadio

E&OE SANDY ALOISI: (Inaudible) but today attention will be in another area of government change with the first roundtable gathering to consider the review of…

ABC Radio National Drive

E&OE WALEED ALY: One of the Cabinet Ministers… who has several measures of his own in the Budget is Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews and…

ABC 774, Drive

E&OE PATRICIA KARVELAS: Mr Andrews welcome to the program. MINISTER ANDREWS: Thank you Patricia. PATRICIA KARVELAS: Last week I heard a speech by Treasurer Joe…

Sky News – Richo Program

E&OE GRAHAM RICHARDSON: And thanks for staying with us here on Richo. In, I’m not sure, it’s from our Melbourne Studio I think is Kevin…

ABC 24 Capital Hill

E&OE MARK SIMKIN: Well, six weeks of consultation have now begun. The Social Services Minister is obviously attracted to many of the interim recommendations. He…

ABC 7:30 with Sarah Ferguson

E & OE SARAH FERGUSON: Australia’s $100 billion welfare system is facing its most significant overhaul in 15 years. In its first interim Report the…

Sky Agenda

E&OE KIERAN GILBERT: With me now the Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews. Mr Andrews, thanks for your time. This interim McClure report into the welfare…