Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Transcripts by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

4CA John MacKenzie

E&OE MACKENZIE: Scott, good morning. MINISTER MORRISON: G’day John. MACKENZIE: Can we just have a quick chat about yesterday’s figures. How did you receive them?…

2GB Ray Hadley

E&OE RAY HADLEY: Firstly good morning to you. New figures show Sydney’s west and south west has the highest concentration of people on the DSP…

Sky News Agenda with Kieran Gilbert

E&OE KIERAN GILBERT: I just want to get your reaction to this on the security front and well first of all this 18-year-old from Melbourne.…

Doorstop interview, Sydney

E&OE MINISTER MORRISON: The Intergenerational Report shows that doing nothing is not an option. If we just sit on our hands then obviously things like…

3AW Tom Elliott

E&OE TOM ELLIOTT: Minister, good afternoon. MINISTER MORRISON: G’day Tom. ELLIOTT: Ok so the Intergenerational Report. Now I have read a summary of it and…

Doorstop interview, Canberra

E & OE FIFIELD: As one of the Ministers responsible for mental health, I feel a duty to condemn the comments by Clive Palmer today,…

2GB Alan Jones

E&OEALAN JONES: Scott Morrison good morning. MINISTER MORRISON: Good morning Alan. JONES: Where do you start? Well having said where do you start – with…

2GB Ray Hadley

E&OE RAY HADLEY: Minister good morning. MINISTER MORRISON: G’day Ray. HADLEY: The latest poll, the Coalition substantially closing the gap on the Opposition. 51-49 on…

Doorstop interview, Canberra

E&OE MINISTER MORRISON: The Government is focused on setting Australians up to succeed, setting families up to succeed, setting small business up to succeed, setting…

3AW Neil Mitchell

E&OE NEIL MITCHELL: Scott Morrison, good morning. MINISTER MORRISON: Good morning, Neil. Good to be here. MITCHELL: 96100693, 133032 if you’d like to speak to…

ABC 7.30

E&OE LEIGH SALES: Minister, I’ll go through some specific areas, including child care, in a moment. But firstly, I just want to ask, because you’re…

2GB with Ray Hadley

‘E&OE’ RAY HADLEY: Good morning MINISTER MORRISON: G’day Ray. HADLEY: Question, Bill from the CBD is on the line, why are these men still getting…


E&OE BARRIE CASSIDY, PRESENTER: Now we will go to our program guest and the Social Services Minister Scott Morrison joins us from our studio. SCOTT…

ABC AM Programme

E&OE CHRIS UHLMANN: You have the Productivity Commission report now. It recommends a new, streamlined system of a single payment for parents who want to…

Press Conference, Sydney

MINISTER MORRISON: It is great to be here at Kinderoos in Bexley North with Nick Varvaris and David Coleman and here with Sue and Hassan…

Sky News AM Agenda

E&OE KIERAN GILBERT: Throughout the morning we have been mentioning on the front page of the Australian Financial Review the story that the government is…

3AW with Neil Mitchell

E&OE NEIL MITCHELL: On the line in our Canberra studio the Minister for Social Services Scott Morrison, good morning. MINISTER MORRISON: G’day Neil. MITCHELL: How…

2GB Chris Smith

E&OE CHRIS SMITH: Minister welcome to the program again. MINISTER MORRISON: G’day Chris. SMITH: Thank you for your time. Is the government looking at including…

ABC RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly

E&OE KELLY: Minister when you took over this portfolio you said you’d be a tough cop on the welfare beat, is this what you had…

6PR Gary Adshead

GARY ADSHEAD: Thanks very much for your time, Minister. MINISTER MORRISON: Good to be with you Gary. ADSHEAD: Alright, just explain to us the significance…

Sky News AM Agenda

E&OE KIERAN GILBERT: Can you give us a sense of what you think the PM is talking about when he talks about Australia giving the…