Media Releases by Senator the Hon Kay Patterson

Self-funded retirees better off

More than 297,000 self-funded retirees holding a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) will on Monday start receiving the first instalment of their new payment of…

Funding to strengthen families

Eight organisations will receive Howard Government funding offers under the Strengthening and Supporting Families Coping with Illicit Drug Use (‘Strengthening Families’) initiative. Minister for Family…

Funding to support care leavers

Professional and specialised counselling services for people who grew up in institutional or out-of-home care and their families will be increased with funding under the…

Women’s achievements set in stone

In recognition of the achievements of those Australians, who achieved for women both the right to vote and stand in national elections, a Centenary of…

Investing in Our Children

Around $90 million dollars will be provided to community groups and programs Australia-wide to supply services for children in the important developmental stages of their…

Australian families changing

Changes in Australian families over the past two decades and the challenges they face have been tracked in a research report launched in Melbourne today.…

Report Highlights Role of Carers

A new report, released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, demonstrates the value of the Australian Government’s support for carers of older…