Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Media Releases by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Baby Bonus changes pass Parliament

The Australian Government’s changes to the family payments system have passed the Senate with the support of the Opposition. These amendments to the Family Assistance…

Schoolkids Bonus is just around the corner

The second instalment of the Gillard Government’s Schoolkids Bonus is just around the corner, with 1.3 million families set to receive the payment from next…

Tackling alcohol and substance abuse in Ceduna

The Australian Government is investing $865,000 in new programs to help Aboriginal people in Ceduna and surrounding communities tackle alcohol and substance abuse. The funding,…

Investing in Indigenous leadership

The Gillard Government today announced a significant increase in its investment in the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre (AILC), committing $8.36 million over the next four…

Indigenous women have their say at Summit

Indigenous women from across the country travelled to Parliament House in Canberra today to share their views on the issues facing their communities at the…

More support for workers with disability

The Australian Government will inject an extra $4 million into Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) to support them as they move toward our vision for supported…

Delivering for Seniors in Bankstown

Seniors in Bankstown and St George are benefitting from higher pension payments and more support to stay connected with family, friends and the community thanks…

Delivering DisabilityCare Australia for Gosford

People with disability, their families and carers came together in Gosford today to celebrate DisabilityCare Australia, the national disability insurance scheme, being rolled out across…