Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Media Releases by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

National Child Protection Week 2004

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, said National Child Protection Week provides an ideal opportunity for Australians to focus on the issue of…

Coalition Government Supporting Fathers

 This Father’s Day, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony reminds all Australians of the important role fathers play in a child’s upbringing. The…

Providing Local Answers to local problems

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today announced a commitment of around $17 million funding to 93 grassroots projects that will support local…

Every Child Is Important

 Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today launched the Australian Childhood Foundation’s Every Child Is Important campaign for Queensland. Mr Anthony said the…

Road Map For Raising Kids

 Parents and carers will be assisted to better understand and communicate with younger children with the help of a new Australian Government booklet, Minister for…

Children’s health and wellbeing on the agenda

 Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today welcomed participants to the National Health and Wellbeing seminar in Sydney. “Around 1.5 million Australian children…

Taskforce to examine child support scheme

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony today announced the terms of reference and membership of a Ministerial Taskforce and Reference Group to examine…

Picture of Australia’s Children

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today outlined the considerable steps taken on developing an authoritative and reliable source of information on how…

Building a National Agenda for Early Childhood

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today said the Australian Government had started discussions with the state and territory governments to build a…

Government committed to supporting foster carers

The Australian Government is committed to supporting families, including our valuable and important foster carers, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony said today.…

Centrelink effectively managing customer debt

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony said that the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) report released today found Centrelink’s debt management practices to…

Centrelink better resourced, more efficient

Shadow Minister for Family and Community Services, Wayne Swan and Commonwealth Public Service Union President, Mark Gepp have today brazenly turned Centrelink staff into a…

No cuts to Centrelink staff

 Shadow Minister for Family and Community Services, Wayne Swan is not letting the truth get in the way of a good story in regard to…

Swan misleads again

 Shadow Minister for Family and Community Services, Wayne Swan’s statement today that advice was rushed onto the Family Assistance Office website is wrong. Advice was…

Improving Centrelink’s service delivery

Centrelink’s 6.4 million customers and around 25,000 staff are set to benefit from changes currently being made to streamline and create specialist areas within the…

Families advised on extra pay-day

 Shadow Minister for Family and Community Services, Wayne Swan’s latest misinformation campaign on Family Tax Benefit is another example of why you can’t believe a…

Labor plays catch-up on playgroups

 Labor have again resorted to imitating the Coalition Government’s policies with an announcement today on playgroups that mirrors the commitment made by the Government last…

Relationships Australia opens in Broadmeadow

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today officially opened the purpose-built Relationships Australia NSW facility in Broadmeadow. “The Australian Government provides approximately $59…

More support for fathers

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today launched the Fatherhood Research in Australia report – the first in Australia to look at…