Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

New housing project for vulnerable South Australians

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Vulnerable people living in Goolwa are set to benefit from the opening of a housing project delivered by the Gillard Government. Senator for South Australia…

14 new apartments for vulnerable South Australians

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Vulnerable people living in Noarlunga Downs, are set to benefit from today’s opening of a housing project delivered under the Gillard Government’s national commitment to…

12 Social Housing units in Shepparton

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Shepparton residents who are homeless or at risk of homelessness will benefit from a new social housing development opened today, supported by more than $2.8 million…

98 New Social Housing Units for Doncaster

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Vulnerable Australians in Doncaster will benefit from the opening today of a new social housing development built with the help of over $26 million from…

113 New Social Housing Units at Docklands

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Vulnerable Melbourne residents, including seniors and people with disability, will benefit from a new social housing development opened today, supported by more than $22.9 million…

Launch National Homeless Persons’ Week 2011

Speech by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

*** Check Against Delivery *** Thank you very much for the introduction and can I sincerely apologise to everyone for this morning. We did intend…

South Australia shows homelessness targets achievable

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Federal Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness Mark Arbib and South Australian Minister for Housing Jennifer Rankine today said the dramatic reduction in rough sleeping…

New homelessness data collection succesfully introduced

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness Mark Arbib today visited Neami, an organisation providing housing and support services to people with mental illness, to mark…

33 new social housing units for Florey

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Older Australians in Florey will benefit from the opening today of a new social housing development built with the help of $4.83 million in Australian…

27 new social housing units for Labrador

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Vulnerable Australians in Labrador will benefit from the opening today of a new social housing development built with the help of the $8.1 million from…

21 new apartments for vulnerable South Australians

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Vulnerable people living in the Adelaide suburb of Christie Downs are set to benefit from the opening today of a housing project delivered under the…

31 new homes for older Australians in Chapman

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Older Australians in Chapman will benefit from the opening today of a new social housing development built with the help of more than $4.8 million…

Vinnies’ CEO Sleepout

Speech by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

*** E & OE – Proof only *** Can I, on behalf of the Australian Government and the Prime Minister, welcome everyone here tonight. Can…

Sleeping Rough to Support Homeless

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

CEOs, business leaders and politicians around Australia are tonight sleeping rough in support of the 2011 Vinnies’ CEO Sleepout. Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness…

Minister supports Vinnies CEO Sleepout

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness Mark Arbib today encouraged CEOs across Australia to sign up and experience homelessness first-hand to support the St Vincent…

Investing to close the gap

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

The Gillard Government is delivering on our commitment to close the gap in Indigenous disadvantage with a $526.6 million boost to education, employment and health…

Homelessness Budget announcements

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

When this Government came to office in 2007, we made a serious commitment to tackle homelessness in our society. In an economy as strong is…

New 80 unit housing development opens in Ringwood

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Vulnerable people in Melbourne will benefit from a new social housing development built with $19.5 million from the Australian Government. Minister for Social Housing and…