Healing Foundation report
Speech by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP*** Check Against Delivery *** When the Prime Minister formally apologised to Indigenous Australians he said it gave us the chance to deal with unfinished…
*** Check Against Delivery *** When the Prime Minister formally apologised to Indigenous Australians he said it gave us the chance to deal with unfinished…
In recent days, the Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Tony Abbott, has claimed the Northern Territory Emergency Response has lost momentum. Nothing could be further…
*** E & OE – Proof only *** KIM KLEIDON: Some rather exciting news for aged pensioners this week set to receive an increase to…
*** E & OE – Proof only *** ROSS PEDDLESDEN: We’re pleased to have the Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Jenny…
The Australian Government will work with the Coffs Harbour and Bellingen Shire Councils and local people to identify any gaps in flood assistance for residents…
Around 1400 children with Autism Spectrum Disorders will have easier access to early intervention services, following changes to the Helping Children with Autism package. The…
*** E & OE – Proof only *** JENNY MACKLIN: To everyone from Cerebral Palsy Queensland and this wonderful organisation here, thanks so much for…
RAY HADLEY: Now the long awaited changes to the age pension actually came into effect yesterday and many of the people that listen to this…
More than 870,000 disability support pensioners and carers across Australia will receive increased pension payments under much-needed changes to the pension system. The Australian Government’s…
*** E & OE – Proof only *** JENNY MACKLIN: From today, 3.3 million Australian pensioners, aged pensioners, disability support pensioners, those on the carer…
Today the pension will increase for around 3.3 million age pensioners, disability support pensioners, carers, wife and widow pensioners and veteran income support recipients. Pensioners…
The Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin, and Assistant Treasurer, Senator Nick Sherry, today launched a commemorative one dollar coin…
*** E & OE – Proof only *** ANNA BLIGH: I think you will know Jenny Macklin, the Federal Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services…
Families in the Logan suburbs of Woodridge, Kingston, Logan Central and Eagleby, and the communities of Doomadgee and Mornington Island will take part in a…
The Australian Government has introduced legislation into Parliament to require young people aged between 16 and 20 to be studying full-time towards, or have completed,…
*** E & OE – Proof only *** LEON BYNER: Jenny, first of all, when will these changes come into effect? JENNY MACKLIN: From Sunday…
A new Social Security Agreement with the Czech Republic will make retirement easier for 2000 residents of Australia and the Czech Republic. From 2011, when…
*** Check Against Delivery *** I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land we are gathering tonight. And I want to acknowledge…
*** Check Against Delivery *** This Government is committed to closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. For us, this is a national responsibility…
*** Check Against Delivery *** I would like to acknowledge the Jawoyn people – the traditional owners of the land we are gathered on today…
The Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin, today joined the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the handing-back of Nitmiluk National Park (Katherine Gorge) in…
Millions of Australian pensioners will receive letters about the upcoming changes to pension payments over the coming weeks. Centrelink is currently sending letters to 3.3…
Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland are the first three states to receive Communities for Children Plus services to help reduce child abuse and neglect in communities…
The Northern Territory (NT) communities of Maningrida, Gunbalanya and Wadeye have signed 40-year leases which will allow housing work to begin across the three communities…
*** E & OE – Proof only *** FRAN KELLY: Now to the never ending challenge facing Aboriginal Australians, housing. The Federal Government’s flagship scheme…