The Hon Christian Porter MP

Sky News PM Agenda with David Speers

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE DAVID SPEERS: The Government, we know, wants to reign in budget spending. Its first attempt at reigning in the welfare part of the Budget…

ABC News 24 with Greg Jennett

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

GREG JENNETT: Well we saw him there, the Social Services Minister is Christian Porter and he joins us now in our studio. Welcome Minister. Now…

2GB – The Alan Jones Breakfast Show

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE ALAN JONES: …Now, I’ve told you before, this is the bloke to watch. He was outstanding yesterday in Question Time. He can explain complex…

Tax and transfer group to examine barriers to work

Media Release by The Hon Christian Porter MP

The Coalition Government will establish an inter-departmental working group to analyse impediments within our tax and transfer systems that act as disincentives for Australians who…

Response to Syrian humanitarian crisis

Media Release by The Hon Christian Porter MP

The Minister for Social Services, Christian Porter, has praised Australia’s state and territory governments, councils, businesses, communities and individuals for their response to the Syrian…

Sky News – Richo + Jones

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE ALAN JONES: Yes, welcome – I hate it when they say in television “welcome back” because, in fact, the audience have never gone anywhere.…

Disability policy a priority for Social Services Minister

Media Release by The Hon Christian Porter MP

Social Services Minister the Hon. Christian Porter MP has welcomed the finalisation of the machinery of government changes in the Turnbull Ministry that will see…

Women’s Safety Package to Stop the Violence

Media Release by The Hon Christian Porter MP

Women and children in Australia have the right to feel safe and live without fear of violence. Yet, one in six Australian women has experienced…