The Hon Bill Shorten MP

Questions on the Robodebt Royal Commission

Transcript by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

SUBJECTS: Member for Cook Scott Morrison’s statement on the Robodebt Royal Commission QUESTION: My question is to the Minister for Government Services. What did the Royal…

Minister Shorten in Question Time

Transcript by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

BILL SHORTEN, MINISTER FOR THE NDIS AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES: The Robodebt Royal Commission not only looked at the circumstances surrounding the start of the lawbreaking…

Minister Shorten Question Time transcript

Transcript by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

TRANSCRIPT OF QUESTION TIME   SUBJECTS: Member for Cook in regards to the Robodebt Royal Commission QUESTION: My question is to the Minister for Government Services.…

AADPA 6th Annual Conference

Speech by The Hon Bill Shorten MP


Minister Shorten interview on 2GB with Deb Knight

Transcript by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

E&OE TRANSCRIPT   SUBJECTS: Housing Australia Future Fund; cost of living pressures; Victorian Government announcement on energy for new builds; email errors and pocket dials…

Every Hero Must Have a Foil

Editorial by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

Batman and Robin, Carlton and Collingwood, Hawke and Keating, Kath and Kim, Kylie and Jason, a meat pie with sauce, Rocky and Apollo, and .…

Minister Shorten address at the AFR summit

Speech by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

I acknowledge we’re meeting on the traditional lands of the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples and I pay my respects to their elders past and present…

Minister Shorten interview on the Today show

Transcript by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

E&OE TRANSCRIPT SUBJECTS: Minister Shorten discusses casual workers, local government spending and flight cancellation in Australian airports KARL STEFANOVIC, HOST: Welcome back to the show.…

Minister Shorten interview on 2GB with Deborah Knight

Transcript by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

E&OE TRANSCRIPT RADIO INTERVIEW 2GB AFTERNOONS WITH DEBORAH KNIGHT FRIDAY 21 JULY 2023 SUBJECTS: Wellbeing Report; Robodebt Royal Commission findings; public sector jobs for former…

Minister Shorten interview on JJJ Hack

Transcript by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

E&OE TRANSCRIPT SUBJECTS: Robodebt Royal Commission hands down final report; Scott Morrison’s future in Parliament; automation in the NDIS DAVE MARCHESE, HOST: Shahlailah Medhora speaking…

Minister Shorten interview on ABC 7.30

Transcript by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

E&OE TRANSCRIPT SUBJECTS: Robodebt Royal Commission final report SARAH FERGUSON, HOST: The Albanese Government is seeking legal advice about whether it can make public the…

Minister Shorten interview on Today with Jayne Azzopardi

Transcript by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

E&OE TRANSCRIPT JAYNE AZZOPARDI: Well, a gross betrayal and a human tragedy. That’s how Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has described the former government’s Robodebt scheme…

Minister Shorten Interview on ABC RN Breakfast

Transcript by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

E&OE TRANSCRIPT SUBJECTS: Robodebt Royal Commission report to be handed down today; NDIS participant numbers, ADHD diagnoses PATRICIA KARVELAS, HOST: For hundreds of thousands of…