Media Releases by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Celebrating NAIDOC week

The Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin, today visited the Austin and Mercy Hospitals in Heidelberg to join with community members and celebrate NAIDOC Week.…

Tony Abbott reaches into pockets of pensioners

Today Tony Abbott’s Liberals have re-confirmed they will claw back hundreds of dollars from Australian pensioners. The Member for Curtin, Julie Bishop confirmed on Channel…

More support for Australia’s carers

From today 560,000 carers across Australia will receive a $600 boost to help ease the costs of caring for a loved one. Carers across Australia…

NAIDOC Week 2012

The Australian Government today welcomed the start of National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week with an announcement of more than $1.6 million…

Australia’s Clean Energy future

The Gillard Government has achieved a major milestone in its plan for Australia’s clean energy future with today being the first day major greenhouse gas…

Extra support for parents moving into work

The Australian Government is investing $5.7 million in family and children’s support services to help parents who will start looking for work from 1 January…