Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Media Releases by The Hon Jane Prentice MP

Supporting NDIS innovation in the NT

NDIS providers in the Northern Territory are being supported to expand and deliver services in new ways, as part of the final round of the…

A more inclusive Australia

Australians with disability will be empowered to exercise more choice and control in their lives. The Turnbull Government will provide $56 million in grant funding…

Additional funding for disability advocacy

The Turnbull Government is providing an additional $2.4 million a year for the National Disability Advocacy Program in New South Wales and Queensland. The additional…

NDIS continues to roll out across Adelaide

South Australians aged 18 to 64 years living in the Adelaide Hills, Western Adelaide and Eastern Adelaide regions will join more than 140,000 Australians already…

Bayside Peninsula residents to join NDIS

Victorians living in the Bayside Peninsula region will join more than 140,000 Australians already participating in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) from 1 April…

Supporting Australia’s carers

Australia’s unpaid carers will benefit from new services to help them manage their daily challenges, reduce stress and plan for the future. The Turnbull Government…

Hume Moreland residents to join NDIS

Victorians living in the Hume Moreland region will join more than 140,000 Australians already participating in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) from 1 March…

NDIS Innovation Grant Applications Open

Grant funding is now available to community providers for innovative projects to support the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in the Northern…

Inaugural NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissioner

The Turnbull Government has appointed the inaugural Commissioner to lead the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Quality and Safeguards Commission. Social Services Minister, Christian Porter,…

AccessAbility Day a resounding success

Last Friday marked the end of the AccessAbility Day pilot, which ran from 4–8 December. More than 240 employers registered in the eight regional and…

Improving Disability Employment Outcomes

Today, the Hon Jane Prentice, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services, met with people with disability, employers and government representatives to discuss improving…