
Schoolkids Bonus, Budget.

Transcript by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

E & OE – Proof only KIERAN GILBERT: Joining me on the program now the Minister for Community Services, Jenny Macklin. Minister thanks very much…

Schoolkids Bonus, Budget, suicide prevention.

Transcript by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

MICHAEL ROWLAND: (inaudible) scrap the Education Tax Refund and replace it with the direct tax payment for parents? JENNY MACKLIN: We had around a million…

National Disability Insurance Scheme, polls

Transcript by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

E & OE – Proof only MARIUS BENSON: Jenny Macklin, good morning. JENNY MACKLIN: Good morning Marius. MARIUS BENSON: You are starting this scheme ahead…

National Disability Insurance Scheme

Transcript by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

E & OE – Proof only MARIUS BENSON: Jenny Macklin, what is your response to Tony Abbott’s approach? Do you welcome his bipartisan approach, or…

National Disability Insurance Scheme

Transcript by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

E & OE – Proof only WENDY HARMER: Well as I say, it has been touted as the most significant medical reform in Australia since…

Healthy Kids Check

Transcript by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

E & OE – Proof only SONYA FELDHOFF: Families Minister, Jenny Macklin joins me now. Thank you for your time Minister. JENNY MACKLIN: My pleasure…