National Disability Insurance Scheme
Transcript by The Hon Jenny Macklin MPE & OE – Proof only Subject: National Disability Insurance Scheme NATASHA MITCHELL: Welcome Minister. JENNY MACKLIN: Thank you Natasha. NATASHA MITCHELL: And we also…
E & OE – Proof only Subject: National Disability Insurance Scheme NATASHA MITCHELL: Welcome Minister. JENNY MACKLIN: Thank you Natasha. NATASHA MITCHELL: And we also…
E & OE – Proof only ANN JONES: Good Morning. JENNY MACKLIN: Good morning Ann. ANN JONES: It’s pretty exciting news, because previously not all…
MARIUS BENSON: Jenny Macklin can you clarify exactly what you’re bringing in in legislation today? This is a trial rather than the beginning of a…
KIERAN GILBERT: … that Senator Carr was quite a good effort of spin wasn’t it saying that he was managing the issue rather than the…
E & OE – Proof only JOURNALIST: (inaudible) from New South Wales that they’re concerned about the lack of consultations so far in the process,…
CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY LOUISE SAUNDERS: A number of issues to canvass this afternoon with Julie Collins, who is the Minister for Community Services and also…
BARRIE CASSIDY: Well that’s the Sunday papers and we’ll go to our studio guest now, Brendan O’Connor, who is one of the Ministers as I…
E&OE TRANSCRIPT Well, it’s great to be in Brisbane today to announce those organisations that are in receipt of money to provide advice to businesses…
LAURIE WILSON: Thank you very much, Minister, for your speech. You mention the fact that social housing is really just one part of the jigsaw,…
MARIUS BENSON: Well, the Federal Government’s announcement that it is establishing a royal commission to investigate claims of child abuse in church, state and private institutions…
** E&OE – Check against delivery ** ALEXANDRA KIRK: Firstly, how do you view today’s figures, snapshot of homelessness and the fact that it’s showing…
E&OE CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY RAY HADLEY: As I mentioned earlier, there’s been widespread support, as there should be, for the Prime Minister’s announcement there’ll be…
E&OE CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY JON FAINE: Brendan O’Connor is speaking on behalf of the Attorney-General (sic) and the Prime Minister on the royal commission issue…
E&OE – CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY NEIL MITCHELL: In a sense the Prime Minister has preempted the royal commission a little because she referred in her…
E&OE – Check Against Delivery RUSSELL WOOLF: The Federal Government has today announced there’ll be a royal commission into the way institutions have responded to…
QUESTION: Minister, tell us about this new complex. BRENDAN O’CONNOR: Look, this is a fantastic complex, providing 40 separate dwellings for some of the most…
***CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY*** Acknowledgments I acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we meet today, and pay my respects to their…
Thank you very much Maurie. Can I firstly acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and pay my respects to their…
E & OE – Proof only MICHAEL ROWLAND: We spoke to the Opposition’s Mitch Fifield a short while ago, now it’s the Government’s turn. Jenny…
E & OE – Proof only Subject: Australian Labor Party, DisabiliTEA, National Disability Insurance Scheme, Indigenous affairs. JON FAINE: Jon Faine with you at Fed…
BRENDAN O’CONNOR: Thanks very much John (Murphy). I’d too like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and pay my…
KARREN WALSH: Thank you to our special guest, the Honourable Minister Brendan O’Connor, Bernadette Lynn and Diane from FaHCSIA, Coco Goodson from Contexx, Lesley Dredge…
Subject: Parenting payments, National Disability Insurance Scheme, state governments taking allowances from pensioners. LEON BYNER: When decisions are made and we understand that whether it’s…
Joint Transcript with: Prime Minister, Minister for Community Services and the Status of Women E & O E – PROOF ONLY MINISTER COLLINS: Thank you…
E & OE – Proof only Subject: Peter Slipper; Tony Abbott’s attacks on the Prime Minister; Labor delivering for Australian people. PAUL KENNEDY: Jenny Macklin,…