
Minister Ruston interview – Sunrise

Transcript by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

E&OE… NATALIE BARR: This morning the Australian Government is launching its first podcast. Project Ari is a fictional storytelling series aimed at ending the domestic…

Interview on ABC Radio News Breakfast

Transcript by Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC

JOHANNA NICHOLSON: The new Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme says she understands there’s anger and concern in the sector around proposed changes, but…

Interview on 6PR

Transcript by Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC

LIAM BARTLETT: I notice in the budget, the NDIS got a huge boost. But the boost is not the problem, it’s the future of the…

Minister Ruston interview – Sky News

Transcript by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

E&OE… DANICA DE GIORGIO: To discuss today’s top stories I’m now joined by Minister for Families and Social Services, Anne Ruston. Minister,  good morning. Thank…

Interview with Ben Fordham on 2GB

Transcript by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

E&EO BEN FORDHAM:     Stuart Robert is the Minister for Government Services and the NDIS, he joins me on the line to talk about other matters,…

Interview with Leon Compton on ABC Radio Hobart

Transcript by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

E&EO  LEON COMPTON:      Thank you for talking with us this morning. Jane Woodlaw lives with a disability herself and represents many others in…

Doorstop interview, Launceston, NDIS Reforms

Transcript by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

E&EO Bridget Archer: All right, well it’s fantastic to be here in beautiful Launceston, the weather’s really put it on for Minister Stuart Robert here…

Stop it at the Start campaign launch

Transcript by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

MINISTER RUSTON: We’re here today to launch phase three of the Stop it at The Start campaign which is a campaign that the Federal Government…

JobSeeker – Sky News

Transcript by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

E&OE… KIERAN GILBERT: The New South Wales Police confirm they won’t investigate the historical sexual assault claim levelled against a Cabinet Minister. They say in…

Interview with Leon Byner, 5AA Mornings

Transcript by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

E&OE… Leon Byner: Now, let’s welcome Stuart Robert. Stuart, thank you for coming in this morning. Minister Robert: Leon, great pleasure. Leon Byner: Now, you’re…

JobSeeker – ABC 7.30

Transcript by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

E&OE… LEIGH SALES: Senator Anne Ruston is the Minister for Social Services. Anne Ruston, thank you very much for your time. MINISTER RUSTON: My pleasure.…

Interview with Ray Hadley on sex therapy and the NDIS

Transcript by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

E&EO——————————————– Ray Hadley: The Australian Newspaper’s Yoni Bashan has a story of a federal government proposal to stop people with a disability from claiming sex…

Doorstop interview, welfare system abuse

Transcript by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

E&EO MINISTER ROBERT: As the Federal Government has delivered unprecedented levels of economic support during some very, very difficult times this year, we’ve also delivered…

Cashless Debit Card – ABC Adelaide

Transcript by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

E&OE… ALI CLARKE: Well it’s a good morning to Anne Ruston, the Minister for Families and Social Services. MINISTER RUSTON: Good morning. DAVID BEVAN: Anne…

Cashless Debit Card – 4BC

Transcript by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

E&OE… NEIL BREEN: What do you know about the trial of the Cashless Debit Card? The Bundaberg-Hervey Bay Area is one of four trial sites…

Doorstop interview, Support Payments

Transcript by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

E&OE MINISTER RUSTON: The Australian Government remains committed to providing support to all Australians as we work our way through this coronavirus pandemic. Clearly decisions…

Interview with Patricia Karvelas on Radio National

Transcript by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

E&OE Patricia Karvelas: For more, we’re joined by the Minister for Government Services and the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Stuart Robert. Stuart Robert, welcome. Stuart…