
Sky News To the Point

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE KRISTINA KENEALLY: It’s White Ribbon Day and we are about to speak to the Minister for Social Services, Christian Porter. PETER VAN ONSELEN: A…

ABC RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE FRAN KELLY: Some new research shows that while the overwhelming majority of Australians abhors violence towards women and children, too many of us are…

Press Conference with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE PRIME MINISTER: As you know, today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. It is White Ribbon Day too. Currently,…

Sky News PM Agenda with David Speers

Transcript by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

E&OE Journalist: Joining me now is Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells; Senator, thank-you for your time this afternoon. Senator Fierravanti-Wells: Good to…

2UE Interview with Justin Smith

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

JUSTIN SMITH: The controversial No Jab, No Pay laws have now passed through both houses of Parliament. Social Services Minister, Christian Porter is on the…

ABC News Radio Interview with Steve Chase

Transcript by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

E&OE. Journalist: Well in the wake of the Paris attacks, Australia is about to accept the first family of Syrian refugees in Perth. They are…

Sky News PM Agenda with Laura Jayes

Transcript by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

E&OE. Journalist: Welcome back to PM agenda, joining my now is Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs Concetta Fierravanti-Wells. She joins me here in the studio.…

ABC RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE FRAN KELLY: The first family of Syrian refugees granted visas, a part of Australia’s additional 12,000 person intake, is due to arrive in Perth…

Doorstop interview

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE ALAN TUDGE: I’m very pleased to be here joined by my federal colleague Melissa Price as well as Terry Redman, the State Minister and…

Interview with John McGlue

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE JOHN MCGLUE: When does it start and what does it mean for the people of Kununurra and Wyndham who receive welfare payments right now?…

Press Conference

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE MINISTER PORTER: The reason I am with you today is to alert that the first family of Syrian refugees – that is, the additional…

Sky News PVO Newshour

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE… ALAN TUDGE: G’day Peter. PETER VAN ONSELEN: I’ve got to ask you about something. The last time we spoke you gave a passionate defence…

2UE Mornings with Stuart Bocking

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

STUART BOCKING: Well, some new modelling done in terms of what’s been described as the nation’s ticking welfare bomb. Christian Porter is the Minister for…

2GB Ray Hadley

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

RAY HADLEY: There’s a story in News Limited papers today that should have us all concerned. Apparently, the annual cost of payments including Centrelink and…

Hack Triple J with Tom Tilley

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE… TOM TILLEY: Alan Tudge, long time no speak. Thank you for joining us again. ALAN TUDGE: G’Day Tom, great to be with you. TOM…

SBS Your Language Radio

Transcript by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

E&OE. Journalist: Assistant Minister Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, first of all welcome. Senator Fierravanti-Wells: Pleasure. Journalist: So, in your speech you spoke about the vision for multiculturalism;…

PVO Newsday with Peter Van Onselen

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE PETER VAN ONSELEN: I am joined now in Melbourne by the Assistant Social Services Minister Alan Tudge. Thanks very much for being there. ALAN…

ABC774 Drive ‘Fight Club’ with Rafael Epstein

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE RAFAEL EPSTEIN: Alan Tudge is the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister. He is the Member for Aston. Oh the Aston by-election. He owns…

ABC NewsRadio interview with Marius Benson

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE MARIUS BENSON: Alan Tudge, good morning. ALAN TUDGE: Good morning Marius. MARIUS BENSON: It’s not a new point being made by ACOSS but it’s…

Sky AM Agenda with David Lipson

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE DAVID LIPSON: Alan Tudge, I know you’ve been working very hard on the welfare card for indigenous communities, just trialling this card. How are…

Doorstop interview

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE ALAN TUDGE: It’s been revealed that the costs of scrapping the East-West Link project has blown out to $861 million — $221 million more…

Sky News with Chris Kenny

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE CHRIS KENNY: Lots on the news agenda today to take up with the Social Services Minister Christian Porter. He joins us live now from…

Sky News – PVO Newsday

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE PETER VAN ONSELEN: Christian Porter, how are you going to sell tough medicine in your portfolio area? Because, at the end of the day…

Channel Ten – The Project

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE PRESENTER: Now let’s talk through the Government’s proposed welfare changes. We’re speaking with Australia’s new Social Services Minister, Christian Porter. Christian, Joe Hockey said…

ABC RN Drive with Patricia Karvelas

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE PATRICIA KARVELAS: The Federal Government has reworked its unpopular cuts to Family Tax Benefits, which were a centrepiece of the 2014 Budget. Christian Porter…