Media Release

More child care places for NSW families

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

More than $490,000 for 1,495 new outside school hours care places in New South Wales was announced today by Minister for Community Services, Larry Anthony.…

New building for Gympie Child Care Centre

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

The Gympie Uniting Church Child Care Centre in Queensland will receive more than $580,000 to move out of the 100 year old building that currently…

Child Care Centre Accreditation Online

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

An internet site providing information on the accreditation status of long day care centres throughout Australia was launched today by Minister for Community Services, Larry…

$300,000 for Swan Child Care Centre upgrades

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

The Swan Child Care Centre in Western Australia will receive more than $300,000 to refurbish the building housing its community long day care service. Federal…

Family Adjustment Payment

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Today, Acting Minister for Family and Community Services, Larry Anthony announced the details of the Family Adjustment Payment. This payment is designed to ensure that…

ABS Survey Proves Child Care Policies Are Working

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Acting Minister for Family and Community Services, Larry Anthony, today welcomed the release of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publication Child Care Australia. “This…

1999 Census Of Child Care Services Released

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Acting Minister for Family and Community Services, Larry Anthony today released data from the most comprehensive collection of information on childcare services in Australia, the…

Pilot program to protect young people

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Federal Minister for Community Services, Larry Anthony, has announced $62,500 will go to the Choose with Care pilot program offering education and training for organisations…

$166,000 for children with special needs

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

More than $160,000 will be spent ensuring child care providers throughout New South Wales are equipped to care for children with disabilities, Federal Minister for…

Over $12m for carers of young people with disabilities

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Carer Respite Centres throughout Australia will receive more than $12 million funding Federal Minister for Community Services, Larry Anthony, announced today. “This funding, part of…

Disability advocacy service for Olympics

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Federal Minister for Community Services, Larry Anthony today announced $58,000 to operate an enhanced disability advocacy service in New South Wales during the Olympics. Mr…

Childcare services receive training in new benefit

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

More than 100 Child Care Benefit training seminars will be held across Australia over the next three weeks, the Federal Minister for Community Services, Larry…

Big win for rural and regional Australia

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Federal Minister for Community Services, Larry Anthony, today announced 36 services, many in rural and regional Australia, would receive funding under the second round of…

70 New child care places for remote NT communities

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

More than $852,000 will be spent expanding existing children’s services in remote areas of Central Australia, Federal Minister for Community Services, Larry Anthony, announced today.…

Saving taxpayers $8 million weekly

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Taxpayers saved almost $8 million a week as a result of the Government’s crack down on welfare fraud and overpayment, Community Services Minister Larry Anthony…

ACOSS comments misguided

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

“Australian Council of Social Services President Michael Raper has got his facts wrong in his attack on the Federal Government’s Budget,” said Community Services minister…

Introducing A Preparing For Work Agreement

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

“Job seekers will be in a position to most effectively get their fair share on the new jobs created by the National-Liberal Government’s policies through…

Improving Child Support

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

“Improved child care arrangements announced in the budget will promote better relationships between separated parents and encourage them to maintain contact with their children after…

New approach to help people with disabilities

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

A $10 million trial to give people with disabilities greater opportunities to maximise their participation in the community was announced today by Federal Minister for…

New National Childcare Accreditation Council members

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Changes to the membership of the National Childcare Accreditation Council, the body that oversees the Quality Improvement and Accreditation System (QIAS) for long day child…

$1 million child care boost for Victoria

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

More than $1 million in Federal funding will provide an extra 1170 child care places for school-age children in Victoria, the Minister for Community Services…