Media Releases by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

Community Partnerships continue to grow

The Albanese Labor Government has today announced a specialist community partnership between Services Australia and non-government organisations (NGOs) is set to be expanded to help…

New Services Australia CEO Appointed

Today, the Albanese Labor Government has announced the appointment of senior, distinguished public servant David Hazlehurst as Services Australia’s newest CEO.  Mr Hazlehurst joins the…

Landmark independent NDIS Review report released

Today the final report of the Independent NDIS Review (the Review) has been released today at 9am ( The report maps out the Review’s recommendations…

3,000 Staffing Boost for Services Australia

The Albanese Labor Government is putting people back at the centre of government services, with thousands of new jobs created to improve Centrelink and Medicare…

Cutting NDIS appeals cases

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants are seeing faster decision-making through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), thanks to targeted alternate dispute resolution initiatives. For AAT…

Stronger protections for frontline staff

In May this year, our Government announced an urgent review into staff safety at Services Australia in response to a serious physical attack on a…

Findings of the Disability Royal Commission

The Albanese Labor Government welcomes the final report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. The report –…

Boosting support for Australians with autism

The Albanese Labor Government is supporting Australians with autism by investing in their future with an extension of funding for Autism CRC totalling $4 million…

Services Australia CEO Rebecca Skinner retires

I have been informed that Rebecca Skinner PSM, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Services Australia, will resign from the Australian Public Service (APS) effective…