Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Editorials by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

Making myGov even more secure

Fraud and scams have been around since someone figured out that deceit could be monetised. A Greek sea merchant from 300 BC is thought to…

Vital help passes pub test

The pub test has been part of the Australian vernacular for… well, maybe since the Hope and Anchor opened in Hobart in 1807 and the…

NDIS fraudsters put on notice

The National Disability Insurance Scheme has been a hot topic over the past few weeks and I couldn’t be happier. A good day for me…

Failure is part of innovation

We all innovate all the time without even knowing it. Who hasn’t grabbed a broom to get a ball that is stuck up a tree?…

NDIS shonks put on notice

Anyone who has tried to organise a wedding will know the following story. Venues jack up the prices when they know it is somebody’s big…

There’s no excuse for abuse

We recognise there is a lot of grief and sadness in the community right now in the wake of recent high-profile, violent incidents. As Prime…

Opinion piece for the West Australian

Don’t take peace for granted  The world seems to be in a constant state of upheaval. Since WW I, Australia has a proud history of…

Opinion piece for the West Australian

A few weeks ago, some new research was released that showed the National Disability insurance Scheme (NDIS) is as fundamental to Australians as Medicare. Melbourne-based…