Second $750 Economic Support Payment is on the way

Media Release by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

Australians on lower incomes are set to receive further assistance from today as the Morrison Government delivers the second economic support payment. A $750 payment…

Changes to the NDIS Independent Advisory Council

Media Release by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Stuart Robert, today announced the new and returning members of the Independent Advisory Council from 1 July…

Update on NDIS coronavirus response

Media Release by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Stuart Robert, today announced the first stages of a post-coronavirus NDIS, following a review of temporary measures…

Interview with Leon Byner on FiveAA Adelaide

Transcript by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

E&OE Leon Byner: Stuart, thanks for coming on. Minister Robert: Leon, pleasure. Leon Byner: We’ve got a number of inquiries, we got a royal commission,…

Interview with David Bevan on ABC Radio Adelaide

Transcript by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

E&OE David Bevan: Good morning Minister Robert: Good morning. How are you? David Bevan: I am very well, why wasn’t the Federal Government checking on…

$400 million for frontline NDIS services in NSW

Media Release by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

The Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Stuart Robert, today announced $400 million in grants to deliver frontline Local Area Coordination Services for the…

Interview with Leon Byner on FiveAA Adelaide

Transcript by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

E&OE Leon Byner: Minister Stuart Robert thank you for joining us today. The Government is with Apple and Google’s help getting an app which is…