Launch of State of Nation’s Housing Report

Speech by The Hon Julie Collins MP

Acknowledgments omitted. The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation – NHFIC – has done an important job with the State of the Nation’s Housing report.…

Minister Collins doorstop interview, Hobart

Transcript by The Hon Julie Collins MP

E&OE TOPIC: Hobart housing opening, the Housing Australia Future Fund. JULIE COLLINS, MINISTER FOR HOUSING: I want to thank Russell and Bob for what they’re…

Minister Collins interview on ABC Afternoon Briefing

Transcript by The Hon Julie Collins MP

E&OE TOPICS: Census homelessness figures; the Albanese Government’s ambitious housing agenda; $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund.   GREG JENNETT, HOST: Well, everyone knows the…

Launch of the ESG Community Housing Standard

Speech by The Hon Julie Collins MP

I am delighted to join you today at the launch of an ESG Reporting Standard for Australian Community Housing. As you know our nation faces…

Boost for Melbourne social and affordable housing

Media Release by The Hon Julie Collins MP

The construction of three social and affordable apartment housing projects is on track to soon deliver more than 200 homes in metropolitan Melbourne. The homes…

Doorstop interview in Melbourne

Transcript by The Hon Julie Collins MP

E&OE TRANSCRIPT TOPICS: New funding for social and affordable housing in Melbourne, Housing Australia Future Fund JULIE COLLINS, MINISTER FOR HOUSING, MINISTER FOR HOMELESSNESS: Good…

Housing affordability brick by brick

Editorial by The Hon Julie Collins MP

When people think of Canberra, the house that usually comes to mind is Parliament House. But having spent time travelling to the nation’s capital, I…

Minister Collins interviewed on Triple M Hobart Breakfast

Transcript by The Hon Julie Collins MP

E&OE TOPIC: The Albanese Government’s ambitious housing reform agenda. WOODY, HOST: Speaking of which, the Federal Minister for Housing, Julie Collins, joins us now, also…

Minister Collins interviewed on ABC Afternoon Briefing

Transcript by The Hon Julie Collins MP

E&OE TOPICS: The Albanese Government’s ambitious housing agenda and the $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund. GREG JENNET, HOST: Julie Collins, great to have you…

Landmark housing legislation passes lower house

Media Release by The Hon Julie Collins MP

The Albanese Government’s landmark legislation to deliver the single biggest investment in affordable and social housing in more than a decade has passed the House…

Minister Collins radio interview, ABC Tasmania Mornings

Transcript by The Hon Julie Collins MP

E&OE TOPICS: Housing legislation; Albanese Government’s ambitious housing reform agenda; Tasmanian infrastructure; State Labor LEON COMPTON, HOST: The Federal Government have a bill in front…

Television Interview – ABC News Breakfast

Transcript by The Hon Julie Collins MP

E&OE TOPICS: The Albanese Government’s ambitious housing agenda, RBA  LISA MILLAR, HOST: The Federal Government is set to outline its plans to address the shortage…