Lantern parade a tribute to Queensland’s new arrivals

Media Release by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, says Brisbane’s Luminous Lantern Parade is an ideal opportunity to welcome Queensland’s new…

Radio Newcastle 2HD Mornings with Richard King

Transcript by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

E & OE KING: And joining me now is the Federal Minister responsible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and a man I haven’t spoken…

ABC Radio Newcastle

Transcript by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

KEARNEY: If you remember a time before the Federal Budget, a time before earn and learn? A time before university fees? A time before health…

Australian choir invited to prestigious Estonian festival

Media Release by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, today congratulated the Kooskolas choir as the first Australian choir to be invited…

Supporting employees in Australian Disability Enterprises

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

The Government today introduced legislation into the House of Representatives to establish the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT) Payment Scheme. Announced in January 2014,…

ABC Broken Hill Mornings with Julie Clift

Transcript by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

E & OE FIFIELD: The most significant change is that there will be more choice for consumers as to how they pay for their care,…

Nominations now open for the National Disability Awards

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

Nominations for the 2014 National Disability Awards open today, giving Australians the opportunity to celebrate the individuals and organisations who are having a positive impact…

Sky Agenda

Transcript by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

E&OE KIERAN GILBERT: Kevin Andrews thanks for your time. A lot to discuss, first of all the notion of possible drug testing for those on…


Transcript by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

E&OE CHRIS UHLMANN: Over the weekend there appeared to be more conflicting messages coming from the Abbott Government, this time on welfare reform. The Minister…

At risk Afghan employees settled in Australia

Media Release by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

More than 500 Afghan nationals who were employed in support of Australia’s mission in Afghanistan, together with their families, have now been granted visas to…

Recognising outstanding Australian Disability Enterprises

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

Nominations for this year’s Australian Disability Enterprise Excellence Award are now open and will close on 27 June 2014. I encourage staff, customers and anyone…

4BC Brisbane

Transcript by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

E&OE PRESENTER: Are politicians allowed to change their mind? Here is a short version of Joe Hockey back in his student days talking about university…

4CA Cairns

Transcript by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

E&OE PRESENTER: As promised we’ve got the Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews on the line, good morning to you Kevin. How are you this…

Budget 2014

Transcript by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

E&OE DAVID SPEERS: Back to the Budget though and a lot of the battle today and indeed through the course of this week has been…

Income management extended to the Ceduna region

Media Release by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Income management will be rolled out to the Ceduna region of South Australia from July 2014 for one year and will continue in six other…


Transcript by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

E&OE EMMA ALBERICI: Returning to Federal politics now and the Government’s attempts to sell the merits of its Budget against accusations that the pain involved…

ABC South East NSW

Transcript by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

E&OE PRESENTER: With us this morning is the Federal Minister for Social Services, Kevin Andrews. Kevin Andrews good morning and welcome. MINISTER: Good morning Tim.…

2G Breakfast with Chris Smith

Transcript by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

E&OE CHRIS SMITH: One of the more impressive aspects of the Abbott Government’s first budget was the changes to unemployment benefits. Their philosophy is for…