Arresting Violence of Vulnerable Women and Children

Media Release by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, today addressed a special forum on domestic violence in migrant and refugee communities…

6PR Radio Perth Mornings with Gary Adshead

Transcript by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

ADSHEAD: For those that attended the rally at Perth town hall on Friday would know that we did put out an invite to a number…

Committee Confirms Labor Pork Barrelling

Media Release by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews says more evidence has emerged showing Labor’s failed $100 million Building Better Regional Communities program (BBRC) was nothing more…

Aged Care Accommodation Supplement to be finalised

Media Release by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

The aged care accommodation supplement for significant refurbishment is an important mechanism to encourage greater investment in the market through incentives for residential aged care…

Address to the National Imams Consultative Forum

Speech by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

E&OE Can I start by acknowledging distinguished guests and presenters at this forum and all participants and organisers of the National Imams Consultative Forum. Given…

Hypocritical Macklin Doesn’t Get It

Media Release by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Labor has shown once again that it is incapable of understanding the Coalition’s budget measures by continuing its campaign of scaremongering and lies to Australian…

Support For Indigenous Sexual Abuse Survivors in Queensland

Media Release by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Indigenous survivors of child sexual abuse will now have access to specialised support services with a $350,000 Australian Government Investment in Link-Up Queensland Aboriginal Corporation.…

ABC News Radio, Drive, with Tracey Holmes

Transcript by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

TRACEY HOLMES: (inaudible) so called income management for aboriginal people. Territory Health Minister Robyn Lambley said her government had to fight the Commonwealth to get…

The art of associating together

Speech by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Thank you Dr Goldie for your kind introduction to the Civil Society 20 or C20, as it is commonly known. I was reflecting on your…

Doorstop, Launch of ARRCS with Natasha Griggs MP

Transcript by Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield

FIFIELD: It’s great to be in Darwin with Natasha Griggs at the commencement of a great new venture – Australian Regional and Remote Community Services.…

Sky Agenda with David Lipson

Transcript by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

E&OE DAVID LIPSON: Minister Andrews thank you for your time. Patrick McClure says that he will propose a simpler architecture for the welfare system that…

ABC News 24 Capital Hill with Lyndal Curtis

Transcript by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

LYNDAL CURTIS: (inaudible) whether you thought it worked, the New Zealand model worked to move people off welfare and into long term employment? MINISTER ANDREWS:…

Learning the lessons of Harmony Day through sport

Media Release by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services and Mr Russell Matheson MP today attended Briar Road Public School in Campbelltown with former Socceroo…