Helping communities celebrate diversity

Media Release by The Hon Christian Porter MP

The Australian Government is investing $130,000 in 32 projects across Australia to help organisations host festivals and arts projects that celebrate diversity and unite communities.…

Eight year high for social cohesion in Australia

Media Release by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

The Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Senator the Hon. Concetta Fierravanti-Wells welcomed the latest Scanlon-Monash Index of Social Cohesion released today that has confirmed that…

2015 National Housing Conference

Speech by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE Thank you Ian. A good place to commence is by congratulating AHURI on this ninth biennial national conference and acknowledge the pivotal role AHURI…

Register now for International Day of People with Disability

Media Release by The Hon Christian Porter MP

Organisations and individuals interested in marking this year’s International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) can now register their planned events Minister for Social Services,…

Finalists announced for 2015 National Disability Awards

Media Release by The Hon Christian Porter MP

Minister for Social Services, the Hon Christian Porter MP today announced the selection of 27 finalists for the 2015 National Disability Awards. “The National Disability…

Sky News – PVO Newsday

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE PETER VAN ONSELEN: Christian Porter, how are you going to sell tough medicine in your portfolio area? Because, at the end of the day…

ABC News 24 with Greg Jennett

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

GREG JENNETT: Well we saw him there, the Social Services Minister is Christian Porter and he joins us now in our studio. Welcome Minister. Now…

Sky News PM Agenda with David Speers

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE DAVID SPEERS: The Government, we know, wants to reign in budget spending. Its first attempt at reigning in the welfare part of the Budget…

ABC RN Drive with Patricia Karvelas

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE PATRICIA KARVELAS: The Federal Government has reworked its unpopular cuts to Family Tax Benefits, which were a centrepiece of the 2014 Budget. Christian Porter…

Channel Ten – The Project

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE PRESENTER: Now let’s talk through the Government’s proposed welfare changes. We’re speaking with Australia’s new Social Services Minister, Christian Porter. Christian, Joe Hockey said…

Tax and transfer group to examine barriers to work

Media Release by The Hon Christian Porter MP

The Coalition Government will establish an inter-departmental working group to analyse impediments within our tax and transfer systems that act as disincentives for Australians who…

2GB – The Alan Jones Breakfast Show

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE ALAN JONES: …Now, I’ve told you before, this is the bloke to watch. He was outstanding yesterday in Question Time. He can explain complex…

ABC Melbourne with Jon Faine

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE JON FAINE: Mr Tudge good morning to you. ALAN TUDGE: Good morning Jon. JON FAINE: What’s the decision that the Government has taken on…

Doorstop interview

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE. Senator Fierravanti-Wells: I’m pleased to be here with Paris Aristotle. There has just been a meeting of the Refugee Resettlement Advisory Council, talking not…

Welfare Debit Card legislation passes Senate

Media Release by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

Today the Social Security Legislation Amendment (Debit Card Trial) Bill 2015, passed the Senate. This is a watershed moment in how we deliver welfare. The…

ABC Perth with John McGlue

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE… JOHN MCGLUE: Your legislation is being debated in the Senate today and even if it gets through, you have this hitch with Halls Creek…

2GB Steve Price and Andrew Bolt

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE STEVE PRICE: Evening to you Minister. ALAN TUDGE: G’day Steve. ANDREW BOLT: Alan, this is a really interesting proposal. You get your welfare card…

Doorstop interview

Transcript by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

E&OE ALAN TUDGE: As you’d be aware, the Senate has just passed the Welfare Debit Card trial legislation. It was passed with the support of…

Response to Syrian humanitarian crisis

Media Release by The Hon Christian Porter MP

The Minister for Social Services, Christian Porter, has praised Australia’s state and territory governments, councils, businesses, communities and individuals for their response to the Syrian…

Sky News – Richo + Jones

Transcript by The Hon Christian Porter MP

E&OE ALAN JONES: Yes, welcome – I hate it when they say in television “welcome back” because, in fact, the audience have never gone anywhere.…