The Third Way

Speech by Senator the Hon Amanda Vanstone

The Third Way is a catchy title with very uncertain content. PJ O’Rourke perhaps summed it up best: “A sort of clarion call to whatever.’…

More need to know about CSA Complaints Service

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Community Services Larry Anthony today welcomed a report by the Commonwealth Ombudsman into the Child Support Agency (CSA) Complaints Service. “The Ombudsman’s Report,…

Anthony gives thumbs up to Thumbs Up for Kids Day

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

The Federal Government will join with celebrities, health care professionals, survivors of child abuse and the community to celebrate “Thumbs Up For Kids” Day at…

Anthony talks to Roma families

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Community Services Larry Anthony told the Families Forum in Roma, hosted by Federal Member for Maranoa Bruce Scott, the Coalition Government did not…

Grants to celebrate volunteering

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Australia’s volunteers have been given another boost with the Minister for Community Services, Larry Anthony, announcing the second round of the International Year of Volunteers…

Extended assistance for cane growers

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Larry Anthony, Minister for Community Services today said that Centrelink will continue to make fortnightly payments to struggling cane growers through the Government’s $83 million…

Reviews up 60% as NSW dobs in welfare cheats

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Reviews into welfare fraud resulting from public tip-offs increased by 60 per cent in New South Wales between July 1 and December 31, 2000, Minister…

Reviews up 32% as Queenslanders dob in welfare cheats

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Reviews into welfare fraud resulting from public tip-offs increased by 32 per cent in Queensland between July 1 and December 31, 2000, Minister for Community…

26.4 million to help people in crisis

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Community Services Larry Anthony today announced funding to help Australians experiencing extreme financial crisis. “1,300 community welfare organisations across Australia will receive more…

Child Support Scheme improved

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Community Services Larry Anthony today welcomed the passage through Parliament of legislation that will greatly improve the Child Support Scheme. “The Child Support…

Child care even cheaper for families

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

 Thousands of Australian families will be paying less for child care from next week with an increase in Child Care Benefit (CCB) Minister for Community…

Cutting red tape for job seekers

Media Release by Senator the Hon Amanda Vanstone

Minister for Family and Community Services, Senator Amanda Vanstone, today announced the first measure to come out of a taskforce set up to relieve the…

Centrepay Goes Electric In Tasmania

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Community Services Larry Anthony today urged Tasmanian Centrelink customers to take advantage of Centrepay to pay for their electricity bills. “The agreement signed…

Cash Bonus for older working Australians

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Community Services Larry Anthony has today urged older Australians to take advantage of a Federal Government scheme that will reward them with a…

Rural youth help goes wanting

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Community Services Larry Anthony today said only a third of eligible young people had claimed Youth Allowance after eligibility for the payment was…

Huge Demand For Death Book

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

 Minister for Community Services Larry Anthony today said only a third of eligible young people had claimed Youth Allowance after eligibility for the payment was…

100 Years of the Public Service

Speech by Senator the Hon Amanda Vanstone

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s National Press Club Telstra address. We are very pleased to have Amanda Vanstone back today. This year of the…

Anthony moves on South Melbourne Centrelink

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Minister for Community Services Larry Anthony said last minute negotiations have kept the South Melbourne Centrelink Office open for the next three months. “I have…

Applications open for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Claim forms for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card are now available from Centrelink offices Minister for Community Services Larry Anthony announced today. “As part of…

Sexual assault in South Australia

Media Release by Senator the Hon Amanda Vanstone

Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Status of Women, Senator Amanda Vanstone, today outlined how South Australia will benefit from the recent Federal Budget…

Government to sponsor Veteran’s heroes reunion

Media Release by Senator the Hon Amanda Vanstone

The Federal Government will sponsor two Australians to attend a reunion of Victoria Cross and George Cross recipients in London later this month. Minister for…

Democrats Get It Wrong

Media Release by Senator the Hon Amanda Vanstone

Senator Stott Despoja should apologise to sole parents for scaremongering and misleading them about the Government’s welfare reform proposals. Last night Senator Stott Despoja claimed…

Helping parents get back to work

Media Release by Senator the Hon Amanda Vanstone

The Australian’s Working Together package contains funding of $251 million to provide extra help for people receiving the Parenting Payment. Minister for Family and Community…

Focus on Homeless Families

Media Release by Senator the Hon Amanda Vanstone

Minister for Family and Community Services, Senator Amanda Vanstone said the Government would spend $5 million dollars on a number of pilot programs to look…