Helping improve young people’s relationship skills

Media Release by The Hon Tanya Pibersek MP

Tanya Plibersek and South Australian Minister for Education, Jane Lomax-Smith today launched the evaluation of Keeping Safe at Black Forest Primary School. South Australia’s Keeping…

Inner and Eastern Sydney Migrant Interagency Multicultural Forum

Media Release by Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens

Senator, the Hon Ursula Stephens, today spoke at the Inner and Eastern Sydney Migrant Interagency (IESMI) Multicultural Forum, Multiculturalism and Social Inclusion, Information and Strategy…

New funding for 13 disability advocacy providers

Media Release by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities Bill Shorten, today announced increased funding for 13 disability advocacy providers as part of the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP). The…

Native Title Conference

Speech by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

*** Check on Delivery *** Thank you Mick for your introduction. I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land, the Wurundjeri people where we are…

10 new affordable rental dwellings for Bega

Media Release by The Hon Tanya Pibersek MP

Tanya Plibersek and Member for Eden-Monaro, Mike Kelly, today visited the site where 10 new affordable rental dwellings will be built in Bega under the…

Timeframe for Alice Springs town camps

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

On 24 May 2009, I announced that the Australian Government was taking the first step towards compulsory acquisition of the Alice Springs town camps. The…

Addressing the challenges of an ageing Australia

Speech by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

*** Check Against Delivery *** I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land where we are meeting tonight. It’s almost a month…

Mabo Day marked by boost to native title

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

On the 17th anniversary of the historic Mabo judgement, Native Title Representative Bodies are set to receive $45.8 million in additional funding to help address…

Improving outcomes for young people through sport

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

The Australian Government has committed $200,000 to improve educational, employment and life outcomes for young Indigenous people across Shepparton and Echuca in Victoria. The Minister…

Full steam ahead for seniors’ transport concessions

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

An additional 800,000 eligible seniors will have access to cheaper rail fares from 31 May 2009 following a concession agreement reached between the Australian Government…

Closing the gap community awards

Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

To mark Reconciliation Week 2009, Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin today launched new awards to recognise Australians who contribute to closing the gap between Indigenous…

Parliamentary Speech on Cochlear Implants

Speech by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

*** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY *** Last week I had the privilege of witnessing one of the most impressive transformations that modern medical science can achieve.…