Media Release by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

Disability support boosted by nearly $5M investment

New and improved supports and resources for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) providers and participants will be developed thanks to an investment of $4.998 million in grants.

Institute for Healthy Communities Australia Ltd (IHCA), Kaleidoscope Focus, Deaf Indigenous Community Consultancy, Keogh By People Pty Ltd and Allied Health Professions Australia are the latest organisations that will share in the grants.

“These grants will assist participants to get the best supports through the NDIS by building the capacity of providers to deliver quality services. 

“By supporting providers to meet NDIS registration requirements, these grants will deliver tools and resources that are informed by people with disability and assist providers to meet their quality and safeguarding responsibilities.

“The program contributes towards participants having more choice and control about providers they choose for supports and services, by developing capability and quality in the sector.”

IHCA have been granted $3,916,420 million to provide training and support for Consumer Technical Experts to establish a skilled pool of paid NDIS participants that can be drawn upon to contribute to NDIS audit processes.

Kaleidoscope Focus have been granted $700,000 to develop emergency and disaster management tools and resources to enable NDIS providers preparedness to support participants in emergency or disaster situations, such as pandemics or natural disasters.

Deaf Indigenous Community Consultancy has been granted $205,000, and Keogh By People Pty Ltd have been granted $150,000 to improve the cultural responsiveness of NDIS providers to support First Nations Australians with disability in rural and remote regions of Australia.

Allied Health Professions Australia have been granted $27,000 to review, update and maintain resources on its NDIS Registration Support website to ensure they reflect current information for Allied Health Practitioners supporting NDIS participants, including new practice standards and legislative amendments.

The Support for NDIS Providers Program is managed by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission), the independent Commonwealth agency responsible for improving the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. 

For more information about the NDIS Commission and the grants, visit