Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Media Releases by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

Moo Baulch OAM named new Our Watch chair

Minister for Women’s Safety Anne Ruston today announced Moo Baulch OAM will be the chair of Australia’s national organisation for the prevention of violence against…

Partnering to use technology to keep women safe

The Morrison Government will partner with the NSW Government to scope and trial electronic monitoring to strengthen justice responses to family, domestic and sexual violence.…


The Morrison Government is investing a further $150 million into a range of measures to deliver on our commitment to ending family, domestic and sexual…

Delivering more jobs for people with disability

Australian businesses will share in $20 million to increase the confidence and capacity of employers to recruit and retain people with disability through targeted initiatives…