Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Transcripts by Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC

Interview on 6PR

E&OE LIAM BARTLETT: The National Disability Insurance Scheme is back in the news again today, mainly because of the ever- increasing costs that the scheme…

Interview on ABC Radio National Breakfast

E&OE FRAN KELLY: The Morrison Government is taking steps to speed up the COVID vaccine rollout to Australians living with disability, which has been, of…

AM Agenda, Sky News Live

E&OE  LAURA JAYES:           Now, the New South Wales Government has laid out the foundation to lock Sydney down for another four…

Mornings, ABC Radio Perth

E&OE NADIA MITSOPOULOS: Now, late on Friday afternoon, the Minster responsible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme dumped a proposal to introduce independent assessments into…

Interview on ABC Radio News Breakfast

JOHANNA NICHOLSON: The new Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme says she understands there’s anger and concern in the sector around proposed changes, but…

Interview on 6PR

LIAM BARTLETT: I notice in the budget, the NDIS got a huge boost. But the boost is not the problem, it’s the future of the…