New report released on people trafficking
The Australian Government has released a report that confirms the Government is clamping down on people trafficking.
The Australian Institute of Criminology’s report, Australian criminal justice responses to trafficking of women for sexual purposes: Understanding current practices and the experience of agencies involved in that response was commissioned by the Office for Women.
Human trafficking affects and damages the lives of too many women and men around the world, including Australia.
The Support for Victims of People Trafficking Program is delivered by the Office for Women in partnership with the Australian Federal Police, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and the Attorney-General’s Department.
Since the program started in 2004, 107 people have received support. Of these, 65 per cent are Thai nationals and 18 per cent South Korean.
This new research shows that cases relating to the trafficking of women for sexual purposes have come to official attention as result of government activity and also because of individual women seeking help.
The Australian Federal Police’s Transnational Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking Teams have undertaken more than 150 investigations and assessments of trafficking allegations since January 2004.
The report recommends issues relating to Australia’s response for further consideration; these suggestions are being considered by a number of departments.
The Government has established a National Roundtable on People Trafficking, convened by the Minister for Home Affairs, which held its first meeting last month.
The Roundtable is designed to open up the lines of communication between the Government and non-government sector so that we can deliver the best possible outcomes for victims.
The Government is committed to ensuring victims receive appropriate support and that priority is given to implementing measures which prevent and combat trafficking.
The Trafficking of women for sexual purposes report is available online.