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Media Release by The Hon Dr David Gillespie MP

Armidale embraces refugee resettlement

Joint Media Release with:

  • The Hon Barnaby Joyce MP
    Member for New England

Armidale continues to shine as a model of the Federal Coalition Government’s efforts to encourage the settlement of humanitarian migrants into regional communities.

Hosted by the Federal Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, the Federal Assistant Minister for Children and Families, Dr David Gillespie, visited Armidale today to see first-hand how Yazidi refugees were integrating into the local community.

Led by the advocacy of Mr Joyce, in August 2017 the Federal Coalition Government established Armidale as a new regional settlement site, with over 100 refugees arriving since February 2018.

During their visit, Minister Gillespie and Mr Joyce met with representatives from Settlement Services International (SSI), who are responsible for administering the federally-funded Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP).

The HSP has a strong focus on integrating refugees into society by focusing on the three E’s – English, Employment and Education.

Minister Gillespie said the Federal Coalition Government remained committed to ensuring that all refugees who arrive in Australia were equipped with the independence, capability and assistance they need to secure a job, expand their social circles and contribute to their new community.

“I’m pleased to see that the people of Armidale have welcomed these refugee families into their community with open arms. SSI has also done an outstanding job in helping these people settle into this town, and the Government commends them for their ongoing leadership and efforts,” Minister Gillespie said.

Armidale is one of 25 established settlement sites across Australia with a range of services that address the needs of humanitarian migrants.

Mr Joyce said that the experience of Armidale shows that a controlled and special intake of humanitarian migrants can deliver immense benefits for regional communities.

“Settling humanitarian entrants in regional areas reduces skill shortages, promotes diversity in the workplace and the community, and builds capacity in the region,” Mr Joyce said.

More information on the HSP is available on the Department of Social Services website.