Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Media Releases by The Hon Dan Tehan MP

National Redress Scheme July Update

The National Redress Scheme received more than 500 applications in July, its first month of operation. Minister for Social Services Dan Tehan said the National…

Autism Advisory Group sets priorities

The new Autism Advisory Group (AAG) will provide a strong voice on behalf of people with autism who are participating in the National Disability Insurance…

Action urged to prevent payments being cut

Parents are running out of time to vaccinate their children if they want to avoid having their family support payments cut under the Turnbull Government’s…

$20 million Volunteer Grants round open

Community organisations across Australia are encouraged to apply for a share of $20 million in grants to support the work of their volunteers. Minister for Social…

Innovation and partnership celebrated

Minister for Social Services Dan Tehan has called on Australian businesses to nominate their innovative workplace-giving program for a national award. Mr Tehan said the…

Improvements to Cashless Debit Card trial

Minister for Social Services Dan Tehan today welcomed the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) report on the implementation and performance of the Cashless Debit Card…

Supporting at-risk Caboolture students

Young Caboolture students at-risk of dropping out of study will be offered individual support to help them complete their education and training, as part of…

Jenny Macklin

Social Services Minister Dan Tehan today paid tribute to the Hon Jenny Macklin MP, the Member for Jagajaga and Shadow Minister for Families and Social…

A new era of welfare

The welfare system will help more Australians into work with reforms that have come into effect. The new measures make the welfare system fairer, more…

Tougher No Jab, No Pay rules start 1 July

Parents who don’t vaccinate their children against disease will lose part of their fortnightly family support payment starting 1 July. Family Tax Benefit Part A…

Fifth anniversary of the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) celebrates its fifth birthday today as it continues to improve the lives of more than 160,000 Australians who are…

Combatting intergenerational welfare

The Turnbull Government is tackling intergenerational welfare dependency in at-risk groups and helping more people off welfare and into work. Minister for Social Services Dan…

National Redress Scheme starts

Survivors of institutional child sexual abuse can begin planning their application for redress, with the National Redress Scheme starting today. The National Redress Scheme will…

Western Australia joins the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) reaches a new milestone as Western Australia becomes the final state to officially join the federally administered Scheme. From…

Western Australia joins National Redress Scheme

The Australian Government welcomes today’s official announcement that the Western Australian Government will join the National Redress Scheme. Every state and territory has now committed…