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Transcripts by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Sky News PM Agenda with Laura Jayes

E&OE Journalist: Welcome back to PM Agenda, joining me now is the Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, who is here in the studio.…

Sky News PM Agenda with David Speers

E&OE Journalist: Joining me now is Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells; Senator, thank-you for your time this afternoon. Senator Fierravanti-Wells: Good to…

Sky News PM Agenda with Laura Jayes

E&OE. Journalist: Welcome back to PM agenda, joining my now is Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs Concetta Fierravanti-Wells. She joins me here in the studio.…

SBS Your Language Radio

E&OE. Journalist: Assistant Minister Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, first of all welcome. Senator Fierravanti-Wells: Pleasure. Journalist: So, in your speech you spoke about the vision for multiculturalism;…

Sky News PM Agenda with David Speers

E&OE David Speers: Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, thanks for your time. In the wake of what happened Friday, many once again are asking how does it happen,…

Doorstop Interview

E & OE Senator Fierravanti-Wells: Thank you all very much for coming this morning. I just have three things that I would like to cover.…

774 ABC Melbourne Drive with Rafael Epstein

E&OE Rafael Epstein: The Federal Government continues to grapple with the problem of terrorism. Parramatta is being described as a hot bed of Islamic extremism.…

Sky News News Day with Laura Jayes

E&OE Laura Jayes: With the new Prime Minister there come new policies and new strategies. Already the Turnbull government is signalling a new strategy when…

ABC Radio AM with Michael Brissenden

E&OE Michael Brissenden: Malcolm Turnbull’s new-look cabinet is expected to feature more women than Tony Abbott’s front bench. One name in the mix is Parliamentary…

Sky News PM Agenda with David Speers

E&OE David Speers: The Senator time joins me now. Thank you for your time this afternoon. What do we know about when the first arrivals…

MyMP 1377

E&OE GLENN RIDGE I mentioned that this coming Saturday is what’s known as Harmony Day and to tell us a little more about it is…

ABC TV Capital Hill with Lyndal Curtis

Lyndal Curtis: The Government has put some money and says it’s putting a lot of work into preventing young Australians being radicalised. The Parliamentary Secretary…

Sydney Eid Festival

E&OE Nadia Zahr: Concetta, how are you? Senator Fierravanti-Wells: Good! Good to be here. Although it’s starting to get a little bit chilly now. Nadia…

SKY News

E&OE Laura Jayes: Welcome back to Lunchtime Agenda. Joining me now on my panel is Labor Senator Sam Dastyari and Parliamentary Secretary Concetta Fierravanti-Wells. I…

Harmony Day, racism generally

E&OE SIMON WALLACE: Where are you from? And I don’t mean mum or dad were teachers so we moved around a lot. Where did your…