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Media Release by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Pollie Pedal Raises Over $700,000 for Carers

This year’s Pollie Pedal has raised over $700,000 for Carers Australia.

Minister for Social Services, Kevin Andrews took part in the 1000 km ride from Moree to Penrith and has thanked all those who supported the event.

“Now in its 17th year, Pollie Pedal is a great way to raise funds for various charities and this year our efforts will support Australian carers,” Mr Andrews said.

“Along the journey, we heard many inspirational stories from carers about the daily challenges they face.

“From young people caring for ill parents to older people looking after a disabled family member, the stories of courage and commitment were compelling.”

Mr Andrews said hearing the real life experiences of those he met along the route, are valuable in shaping future policies and programs within the Social Services portfolio.

“The visits to small schools, local welfare services, indigenous programs, and other voluntary and charitable organisations highlighted the achievements and challenges facing many Australians,” he said.

“It provided a unique opportunity to discuss issues ranging from the difficulties facing rural students to the plight of drought-affected farming families.

“I thank the 50 riders who participated, and the many volunteers whose efforts ensured a safe and engaging week.

“I thank my colleagues, Angus Taylor and David Gillespie, who participated in the entire event and Luke Hartsuyker, Mark Coulton and Barnaby Joyce who joined the event for various days and Mitch Fifield who visited aged care and disability services along the route.

“It was a privilege to lead the event in the necessary absence of the Prime Minister.”