Offer to Clubs ACT for trial of mandatory pre-commitment
The Federal Government made an offer to Clubs ACT on Friday for a trial of mandatory pre-commitment in the ACT.
This offer has now gone to Clubs ACT’s members for their consideration and is being released publicly by the Government and Clubs ACT.
The Government and Clubs ACT agree this is a genuine offer.
Coverage |
All Clubs in the ACT to participate in a trial of mandatory pre-commitment.
This would include small clubs and those not currently members of ClubsACT where possible. The Commonwealth and ClubsACT to work together to secure maximum venue coverage. |
Surrounding areas |
The Commonwealth has sought data from clubs and hotels in the Queanbeyan area for the evaluation framework. This will enable evaluation of any migration to cross-border towns. ClubsACT to assist in securing agreement to access data. |
Terms of the trial |
A trial of mandatory pre-commitment consistent with the Productivity Commission’s recommendations, to:
Commonwealth open to testing low intensity machines in the trial environment if the industry would like to do so. This could be done in some of the trial venues (for all or some of their machines). |
Timing | A 12-month trial of mandatory pre-commitment to start 1 Feb 2013 and run until 1 Feb 2014, with an additional 6 months for evaluation and independent review. Implementation of the trial infrastructure would begin immediately and players would be able to register from 1 November 2012. |
Evaluation |
The trial will be evaluated by an independent research institution. This institution will recommend an evaluation methodology that will be considered by the Oversight Committee.
The evaluator will be supported by an independent financial auditor who will provide specialist advice on financial issues. |
Governance |
A high level Committee, chaired by the Commonwealth, will oversee the implementation and conduct of the trial with representation from ClubsACT, other non-affiliated clubs, researchers, the not for profit sector and the ACT Government. Other industry bodies may wish to be represented on the Committee.
The organisations engaged to conduct the research and evaluation component of the trial will also participate in the Oversight Committee. There may be other working groups if required reporting to the Oversight Committee and an independent financial auditor will be appointed to help determine financial matters (see further below). The Commonwealth will provide secretariat support for the Oversight Committee. The Commonwealth and/or ACT Governments will make decision in relation to funding and contract arrangements. |
Dynamic Warnings and ATM withdrawal limits | While the primary purpose of the trial is to test a mandatory pre-commitment system, the system will ensure that gaming machine players are provided with messages alerting them to their cost of play and providing them with access to activity statements. The trial will not test the ATM withdrawal limit reform. |
Financial Assistance for Venues |
The Commonwealth will fund 100% of all necessary infrastructure (central monitoring and pre-commitment infrastructure) to conduct the trial – the costs of this component will depend on market testing.
The Commonwealth will also provide a financial assistance package:
The Commonwealth will also fund the following trial facilitation costs:
Political donations | All venues will need to enter into an agreement that no Commonwealth funding will be used to support political donations. |
Additional Counselling | The Commonwealth will provide additional funding to ACT Government counselling services. |
Community Contributions | Venues would need to continue to meet requirements for community contributions. |