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Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

New projects to strengthen remote communities in the Northern Territory

Joint Media Release with:

  • Warren Snowdon MP
    Minister for Indigenous Health
    Member for Lingiari

Eleven remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory will share in about $11.5 million in funding from the Australian Government to upgrade community infrastructure, improve local services and boost jobs.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs Jenny Macklin said the 13 projects receiving funding directly responded the needs of each community.

“We talked with local people about what they needed to grow their communities and create more opportunities for residents, and we are responding directly to that feedback,” Ms Macklin said.

“Essential roads will be upgraded in Angurugu, Gunbalanya and Numbulwar to make them safer for locals to travel on and reduce the wear and tear on their vehicles.

“In Galiwinku, we are constructing a brand new multipurpose facility for the community.

“We are also fixing the basketball courts in Yirrkala so kids have a safe place to play, and we’re refurbishing the community kitchen so local families can benefit from cooking and nutrition workshops.

“And we are refurbishing the Women’s Safe House in Yuendumu so the community can benefit from a full time domestic violence counsellor.”

Mr Snowdon said the new funding will also support new jobs and training opportunities in remote communities.

“By putting a strong focus on investing in projects identified by the residents themselves, we’re also making sure the creation of new jobs for locals is front and centre,” Mr Snowdon said.

“I’m really pleased our Government is continuing to support residents in remote communities through improved community facilities and new training and job opportunities.”

Funding for these projects is part of the Australian Government’s Indigenous Remote Service Delivery Special Account.

The Government has invested $46 million over three years through the Indigenous Remote Service Delivery Special Account for high-priority projects in remote communities across Australia, focusing on priorities identified by communities as part of their local planning processes.

These projects build on the Australian Government’s unprecedented investment to close the gap on Indigenous disadvantage.

New projects funded under the Indigenous Remote Service Delivery Special Account:
Community Project Project Description Funding amount
Angurugu Internal roads upgrade Upgrade the internal roads of Angurugu so they are resealed to a reasonable standard to reduce the risk of traffic accidents and vehicle generated dust, which can lead to major health concerns. The roads upgrade will reduce wear and tear on vehicles, including those performing essential services such as the school bus and garbage truck. up to $1,435,050
Angurugu Essential palliative care equipment Funding to enable the Angurugu Aged Care and Disability Service to purchase three sets of essential palliative care equipment. The Centre will loan the equipment to people requiring in-home palliative care support, including Groote Eylandt’s ageing population and people with Machado Joseph Disease. $45,748
Angurugu / Umbakumba Youth services coordination team vehicle and computer Purchase of a motor vehicle and computer workstation to be used by the Youth Services Coordination Team, so the team can more effectively and efficiently facilitate the coordination of youth services in Angurugu and Umbakumba. $58,400
Galiwinku Multipurpose Facility Construction of a new multipurpose facility that can be used as a cyclone shelter, women’s centre, youth drop-in, playgroup and sport and recreation facility. $5,024,091
Gapuwiyak Extension to the Children and Family Centre Extension of the existing Children and Family Centre and to provide a family/library room, consultation room and meeting/staff room and kitchenette. $497,619
Gunbalanya Internal roads upgrade Upgrade the internal roads of Gunbalanya to help reduce traffic accidents and vehicle generated dust. This project will include the construction of three new footpaths on roads providing access to local services, including the school. up to $1,000,000
Lajamanu Longhouse visitor accommodation Refurbishment of the Lajamanu Longhouse visitor accommodation, the only commercial accommodation available in Lajamanu, to enable government and non-government staff to continue to deliver important programs and services to the Lajamanu community. $150,000
Milingimbi Children and Family Centre Construction of a new Children and Family Centre alongside the existing Multi-purpose Recreation Hall. The Centre will provide capacity for childcare, cr`eche, parenting support program delivery and a library service. $1,583,340
Numbulwar Upgrade to airport access road Upgrade the Numbulwar Airport Access Road to provide all weather access between Numbulwar and the airport, which does not currently exist. This will in turn provide the Numbulwar community with year round access to essential services including health, police and education, especially during the wet season. up to $1,000,000
Wadeye Ngepan Partha Tea House and Neighbourhood Centre This project will contribute to the expansion and improvement of the Wadeye Tea House central hub centre. The centre will provide a hub for low cost inter-related social services and will in turn help to generate social, economic and cultural benefits to the Wadeye community. $535,000
Yirrkala Basketball courts resurface and upgrade Resurface and upgrade two basketball courts in Yirrkala, providing a high quality sporting facility for the Yirrkala community. The basketball court upgrade will provide a place for daytime and after-hours youth activities in Yirrkala. $100,077
Yirrkala FaFT building kitchen upgrade Refurbish the kitchen located in Yirrkala’s Bulpul building, which will support the delivery of more comprehensive cooking and nutrition workshops for families. $49,727
Yuendumu Safe house accommodation Refurbish the Women’s Safe House in Yuendumu to establish a separate one bedroom residence to accommodate a female Domestic Violence Counsellor, making it possible to employ a full time worker to provide domestic violence and outreach services in Yuendumu. $45,280