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Transcripts by The Hon Julie Collins MP

Minister Collins Doorstop interview in Canberra

E&OE TRANSCRIPT SUBJECTS: The Albanese Lavor Government’s $32 billion Homes for Australia plan; the $9.3 billion National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness; Cost of…

Minister Collins interview on ABC AM

E&OE TRANSCRIPT TOPICS: Opening of applications for Housing Australia Future Fund and National Housing Accord; Cost of living. KIM LANDERS, HOST: Minister, how much money…

Sydney Doorstop

E&OE TRANSCRIPT TOPICS: New affordable housing at Westmead; Albanese Government’s ambitious housing agenda; Social Housing Accelerator; Australia’s relationship with China; NZYQ High Court case JULIE…

Hobart Doorstop

SUBJECTS: National Housing and Homelessness Plan; Albanese Government’s ambitious housing reform agenda; Infrastructure Investment Pipeline; Greenpoint Medical Centre; Hobart infrastructure. JULIE COLLINS, MINISTER FOR HOUSING:…

Minister Collins interview on Today

E&OE TRANSCRIPT TOPIC: The Housing Australia Future Fund.  KARL STEFANOVIC, HOST: Some relief for our country’s housing crisis could be on the horizon as Labor’s…

Minister Collins ABC News Breakfast

E&OE Transcript TOPICS: The Housing Australia Future Fund; Karen Andrews. EMMA REBELLATO, HOST: Housing Minister Julie Collins joins us now from Parliament. Housing Minister, good…

Minister Collins doorstop at Parliament House

E&OE Transcript JULIE COLLINS, MINISTER FOR HOUSING: I’m really pleased that we’ve got further support for the Housing Australia Future Fund bill today. What this…

Minister Collins doorstop interview

E&OE TRANSCRIPT TOPIC/S: Homelessness Week; Housing Australia Future Fund JULIE COLLINS, MINISTER FOR HOUSING AND MINISTER FOR HOMELESSNESS: It’s great to be here in Sydney…

Minister Collins TV interview with Sarah Abo

E&OE TRANSCRIPT TOPIC/S: Housing Australia Future Fund legislation SARAH ABO, HOST: We’re joined by Housing Minister Julie Collins in Canberra. Minister, thanks so much for…