Caretaker message Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Media Releases by The Hon Melissa Parke MP

Faster delivery of affordable rental homes

The latest performance report from the Government’s National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) shows a marked increase in the rollout of affordable rental housing across Australia.…

Providing supported housing in Melbourne

Parliamentary Secretary for Homelessness and Social Housing, Melissa Parke, today visited two supported accommodation facilities working to address homelessness in Melbourne. Ms Parke said Housing…

Mackay Agency Wins National Homelessness Award

Community Accommodation & Support Agency (CASA), of Mackay, was today awarded a National Homelessness Services Achievement Award in recognition of its tireless work to prevent…

Brisbane NGO Wins National Homelessness Award

Micah Projects and Mater Health Services were today awarded a National Homelessness Services Achievement Award in recognition of their tireless work to prevent and tackle…

SA charity wins Homelessness Award

Catherine House, Adelaide, was today awarded with a National Homelessness Services Achievement Award in recognition of its tireless work to prevent and tackle homelessness. Minister…

NSW charity wins Homelessness Award

The Samaritans Brokerage Support Service, of Broadmeadow, NSW, was today awarded a National Homelessness Services Achievement Award in recognition of its tireless work to prevent…

Victorian charity wins Homelessness Award

Sacred Heart Mission, of St Kilda, Victoria, was today awarded a National Homelessness Services Achievement Award in recognition of its tireless work to prevent and…

NT project wins Homelessness Award

Larrakia Nation’s Watch House in Darwin, was today awarded a National Homelessness Services Achievement Award in recognition of its tireless work to prevent and tackle…

WA Charity Wins National Homelessness Award

Anglicare WA was today awarded a National Homelessness Services Achievement Award in recognition of its tireless work to prevent and tackle homelessness. Minister for Housing…

Addressing Indigenous homelessness in Mount Isa

A transitional accommodation and alcohol rehabilitation centre in Mount Isa has had considerable success over the past eight years helping Indigenous people in crisis, University…