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Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day

 National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day today is a timely reminder of the need to continue to invest in our children’s future, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, said today.

“The Australian Government is committed to developing a better future for Indigenous people by recognising the barriers they face and supporting the special relationships that exist between children, parents and elders.

“The Australian Government has provided $4 million from the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy to Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC) over four years to provide better support and resources to Indigenous families and the services that assist them.

“The $365 million Strategy is a major investment by the Australian Government which is giving families, their children and communities the opportunity to build a better future.

“Government funding of $20 million each year for 200 Indigenous specific child care services has enabled 34 Multifunctional Aboriginal Children’s Services, Indigenous playgroups, crèches, mobile services and innovative child care models to be established in remote Indigenous communities.

“Indigenous families and children will also benefit from Australian Government funding with $3.4 million being spent each year by Aboriginal and Islander Child Care Agencies. These services work with State and Territory Governments to support children and families at risk.

“The SNAICC established the national day as a way of promoting the needs of Indigenous children and the available services in the wider community.

“The Australian Government’s ongoing funding reflects its ongoing efforts to meet the needs of Indigenous children and their families.

“A better future for children is a priority of this Government and to ensure all children are given the best possible start in life,” Mr Anthony said.