Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Government in partnership to ensure quality child care

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony today launched the new look Centre for Community Child Health newsletter, Childcare and Children’s Health.

“This newsletter has been produced by the Centre with support from Johnson & Johnson and the Australian Government and provides child care staff and families with the latest information on ensuring the high quality standards in child care.

“The Australian Government has provided $50,000 in funding through the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy. The funding will allow the publication to be distributed six times a year, instead of four times a year.

“The newsletter provides child care professionals with up-to-date information on quality assurance issues and help child care centres meet quality assurance standards. It is also a helpful resource to keep readers up-to-date about the latest developments in early childhood health, child care best practice and early childhood research.

“There will also be easy to access fact sheets for parents that will help them in their parenting role.

“Articles in the publication focus on delivering quality child care and are written by a variety of professionals from the field and relevant academic institutions. The newsletter is free to all child care services across Australia, and TAFES providing training in early childhood studies.

“The Australian Government has a strong commitment to ensuring that children in child care are safe and that parents have peace of mind. Our National Childcare Accreditation Council oversees the Quality Assurance systems which aim to give children stimulating, positive experiences and interactions that will foster all aspects of their development while using child care.

“The partnership of the Government, the Centre for Community Child Health and Johnson & Johnson is an excellent example of the ‘social coalition.’ It is recognition that governments cannot do it alone and these partnerships with the business and community sectors are important to finding solutions to the problems,” Mr Anthony said.

Quality information will also be available through the Royal Children’s Hospital website ( Fact sheets can also be downloaded from the site directly.