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Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Recognising our Young Australian Leaders

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Larry Anthony, today hosted the Australian Government’s premier event to recognise and celebrate our young leaders to mark National Youth Week 2004.

State and Territory winners of the Young Australian of the Year awards were brought to Parliament House in Canberra for a reception in their honour.

The reception was attended by Members and Senators, key youth affairs stakeholders, and members of the National Youth Roundtable and National Indigenous Youth Leadership Group. Young Australian of the Year, Hugh Evans, was recognised at the reception.

“Hugh Evans is an inspirational role model for all Australians and we are privileged to have him share his knowledge. Since experiencing the squalor of the Manila slums during a study tour as a 14 year old, he has dedicated his life to helping the poorest people in the world.

“This reception is important in recognising the achievements of some extraordinary young people and I am pleased they have come to Canberra to give the Parliament the opportunity to celebrate with them.”

Mr Anthony said that National Youth Week should give all Australians the opportunity to recognise young leaders in their communities.

“Right around the country, thousands of young Australians are contributing to their communities and only a fraction of these exceptional young people get the recognition they deserve.

“Whether they are coaching the local netball or footy team, achieving in the arts or volunteering their time, these young people deserve a pat on the back. I hope all Australians make the most of the week and get involved in the thousands of activities happening around the country,” Mr Anthony said.

National Youth Week is a combined Australian State, Territory and local Government initiative running from 27 March – 4 April 2004.

More information is available at youthweek website (